Day 286: A few pictures and an update
, 08-23-2014 at 01:20 AM (1017 Views)
It had a few moments this evening to shoot some of the reef.
Next weekend is MACNA, which takes place in Denver Colorado. I've been very busy taking care of customer orders, building acrylic wares and answering questions. It'll be nice to spend a few days at the annual conference and see the newest gear. Plus I'll be able to visit with friends, another big part of going every year.
The reef is doing well, as is the anemone cube. A few nuisances bug me, but nothing is critical to the point of being a major issue.
I still haven't had time to tackle the new frag tank system, but hope to get that done in the next month. It will be stand alone, and will showcase the many things I build, use, and sell.