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Water changes the easy way

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Granted you have to plan your method in advance, but once it is set up, you can do a simple task quite easily without even getting your hands wet. The first thing you need to do is install a floor drain.

I turn off the skimmer, return pump, top off, and manifold pump. I also power off the heaters (via the Apex App) to avoid cracking them if they were to attempt to cycle on when exposed to air. The tubing is inserted into a small deflector box to keep the water flowing into the french drain and not across the concrete flooring. I don't have to hold it there and can do other things while it flows out.

Once the two zones are drained, I refill the sump with 50g of saltwater from the saltwater storage tank. It was within 1 degree of the tank temperature. Once full, I close the feed valve, turn on all the equipment and heaters and adjust the ball valves as necessary. Finally I put everything away so I don't have to trip over anything in the fishroom until the next time. I do water changes every 6 weeks or so.

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Tags: water change
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  1. cyano's Avatar
    very nice easy water change system. Is it just a siphon that you pull to drain or do you have a pump to remove the water from the sump?
  2. melev's Avatar
    It's done via siphon. Simpler, and takes it down to the bottom of the two zones and the bubble trap.
  3. melev's Avatar
    I did another one tonight. Just because I could.