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More peppermints?

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More shrimp activity had me hovering around the 60g with my camera in case I could capture the actual release as it happened this time. While I watched and waited, I took a few more pictures.

This fungia plate is part of a siamese arrangement. Two grow on the same skeleton and eventually compete for traction. This one bubbled up like this for about a week, and I had to wonder how it would play out. The day after I took this picture, this bubble was gone as was all the tissue. I have a strong suspicion the peppermint shrimp tore it up in search of a meal. The piece on the left seems fine, but the one on the right has a big exposed area now shows the skeletal base with shredded tissue around the perimeter.

Name:  bubble-on-plate.jpg
Views: 419
Size:  197.7 KB

I've yet to see the clownfish lay a clutch of eggs since they were moved out of the 215g.

Name:  clown-artistic.jpg
Views: 320
Size:  193.2 KB

Studying the second peppermint shrimp, it was apparent the eggs weren't ready yet.

Name:  pep-shrimp-eggs-visible.jpg
Views: 366
Size:  253.8 KB

Name:  peppermint-shrimp-2.jpg
Views: 320
Size:  254.0 KB

Name:  peppermint-shrimp-3.jpg
Views: 456
Size:  266.4 KB

Name:  peppermint-shrimp.jpg
Views: 313
Size:  259.3 KB

I'm very pleased with the activity of this urchin in getting rid of nuisance algae on the rockwork.

Name:  tuxedo-working.jpg
Views: 339
Size:  90.4 KB

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