Elos Test Kits
, 09-13-2013 at 01:19 PM (2309 Views)
Yesterday the doorbell chimed and the mailman brought me these:
Prior to MACNA, I spotted a contest on Facebook run by Coralvue, the company that now carries Elos products. The contest was simple. Like it and Share the picture with your friends, and a few weeks later I learned that I was one of two winners. Pretty cool prize, since these retail close to $90. Alkalinity, Calcium and Magnesium are important tests for any reefkeeper.
I've been using the Elos Alkalinity test for the past two years, because it is very simple to perform. 2.5 ml of tank water is added to the glass vial, and then each drop of reagent equals 1 dKH. It takes less than 30 seconds to perform, and results are easy to read.
For the other two tests, I have always used Salifert. I'll let you know how I like using the Elos kits for Magnesium and Calcium testing in the coming weeks.