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Snorkeler's Cube

Mithrax eat red bubble algae, slowly, but do...

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Short note to say that I've obseved one of my Mithrax crabs eating red bubble algae.

I was having the impression the RBA was slowly reducing in the tank, but I wasn't 100% sure. A few nights ago I saw one of the crabs eating it (sorry, no pictures).

But it must be quite nutritious for they are taking a lot longer to get rid of the RBA than they did with the GBA/valonias..... I'm not even sure they will one day eat them all, but I hope so... ;-)

BTW, Galaxea died after 3 weeks in the tank, quite humbling. My water quality must be quite bad in terms of stability.... going to keep it a fish and shrimp/crab only with easy soft corals for now....

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Tags: algae, crab
