It's been a long wait, but I'm happy to see a huge crate in my yard today. Tomorrow a bunch of DFWMAS members are coming over to squeeze this through the front door.
April fools!!!! (in november!)
Was it the same driver?
No, different guy this time.
did they ever say whether they figured out the flaw? I can't remember if you said in an earlier post or not. so does this mean you have a long weekend of fun and pictures to look forward to?
That is great news! Can't wait to see the transfer and re-start. Man,man it's been a long time!
Awsome yay!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! About time....
Looking forward to seeing it progress into an awesome reef
Love that they kept the Melev's Reef sticker/crate. Also...'bout freakin time!
The consensus was that the black acrylic panel expanded slightly and pushed the end of the tank apart, I believe. The new version is made differently. I'm about to post a fresh blog about it.