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180g Tank Build - 11 mos. and counting.

Anyone know what these are?

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They look like algae grazers - have the mouth of an astrea snail, but are SUPER FAST. Shell has no spiral to it - looks more like a cupped hand or something. Anyway, I didn't think much about them until I found one 'spawning' in my frag tank. They release eggs or offspring or whatever directly into the water column. Since then, I have been executing them on a regular basis - but for every one I kill, I suspect there are 20 I don't see. Not sure if they're OK or not, but I just realized that there are babies in plague proportions in the frag tank. Anyone have an ID? I've only seen one in the main tank EVER - so I assume my bluejaw trigger is making a meal of them as they appear.

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Name:	IMG_20120520_165156.jpg
Views:	202
Size:	137.0 KB
ID:	7296Click image for larger version

Name:	IMG_20120520_165337.jpg
Views:	209
Size:	164.2 KB
ID:	7297

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  1. blennyman's Avatar
    After some more searching, I stumbled upon this:
  2. cyano's Avatar
    couldn't tell you what they are exactly b/c I have yet to do any research on them but I can tell you that I have them as well and have never seen them do any harm or had any losses at all with them in there coral, shrimp, fish, or otherwise. I mostly just see mine out at night or just before the lights come on. I would be interested in seeing what they are so I may do some research and get back to you. Like I said though, I have never had a reason to put out an A.P.B. for them yet
  3. cyano's Avatar
    Ok so I did some research and I believe they are Stomatella snails​ they are apparently great herbivores that should not be kept with peppermint shrimp or wrasse as they may eat them. They are mostly active at night and can drop their tails if attacked like a lizard (or so I read.)
  4. blakew's Avatar
    Yep, looks like Stomatella snails to me (from the second picture for sure). The description of super fast also fits. Melev's reef list them as reef safe.
  5. melev's Avatar
    Yep, these are good guys. Quit killing them.
  6. blennyman's Avatar
    Haha - OK. Their offspring shall be spared.