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August Pictures

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Thanks to Henry's request, I had to take a full tank shot and figured I might as well take a few more of the livestock.

Female Lyretail Anthias, and a Pygmy Angelfish

One of two male Lyretail Anthias

Birdsnest colony and recovering Chalice

You might remember the picture I posted of a twig of birdsnest in June.

It grew.


Ponape Birdsnest colony in the back corner of the tank. Coralline is growing everywhere.

Purple Tang and Cali Tort. Both look fat n happy.

Sunset Monti taken under actinics only.

While pulling out some macro algae for a fellow hobbyist, I revealed this interesting sponge growth on some cheatomorpha.

This lonely featherduster caught my eye. It was active, slowly rotating in its tube.

I applied some new black foam (Hobby Lobby) with velcro to the back of the LED fixture to keep the light splash from hitting the reactors and skimmer area.

I've only tested a few things lately; Salinity, Alkalinity and Phosphate, and I watch the temperature daily. It doesn't vary more than two degrees daily.

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  1. Midnight's Avatar
    Marc, what is growing up the spa flex in the refugium?
  2. cyano's Avatar
    looks like a mangrove to me?
  3. melev's Avatar
    Yes, I have a couple of mangroves in the refugium that have grown higher than the light. Again. I'd like to do something different with these one day.
  4. fridmani1's Avatar
    Marc, great pictures! Is that top male Lyretail a change over from a female in your tank. I had one change on me as well.

  5. melev's Avatar
    Yes, that one may be the changeling. I have a male that isn't a fan of the newer male.
  6. edandsandy's Avatar
    Looks great Marc! any word on the 400?
  7. tom1231's Avatar
    Looks great Marc, I saw your tank on a tank tour but it must have been the last one. What happened to it? It was what you had set up after a corner leak in the last one.
  8. melev's Avatar
    I set up a 400g, and after 13 months I waked into the fishroom at 1am to find it peeing on the floor. I had to drain it instantly to avoid a catastrophic failure. Waiting for the repaired tank to return.
  9. tom1231's Avatar
    Yikes! I have nightmares like that.
  10. melev's Avatar
    It's no cakewalk living them, trust me.