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Update on my 150

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ok sorry its been a while since ive been on. taking 5 classes this summer is a pain. So this is my last blog since then ive aded a new light and decided to stay with MH for now, you just cant beat the results from growth and coral. New fixture is a lucky find on craigslist, its a 2x250w and 2x54w t5, i paid $500 for it, brand new in the box unopened so i was happy. Had to track down the hanging kit as its discontinued and also had to extend it to be tall enough. Currently running 10k bulbs and just ordered some phoenix 14k, t5 will be 2x ati blue plus, 1x coral plus and 1x fiji purple. this will be my tank for the long haul, its actually set up at my g/f house(what a women letting me set up a reef at her house), she loves this hobby as much as i do. currently having to dose a lot two part and ph runs low at about 7.5-7.8 so thinking of doing kalk reactor through ATO.

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  1. Midnight's Avatar
    I really like your setup, and you have some amazing corals in there.
  2. stangchris's Avatar
    that's 3 years of work there in coral. I haven't got any new pieces in about a year, oonly zoas for my g/f zoa tank.
  3. Hat39406's Avatar
    Your tank looks awesome, Chris! Tank looks great with those lights too.
  4. stangchris's Avatar
    thank you... I hope Marc likes the rock he ripped me a new on my 70g said it looked like a fruit stand lol. so I had to setup another tank to win his approval
  5. melev's Avatar
    Very clean setup, and the aquascaping looks really good. Can we see a few more pictures of the tank to see sections more clearly? I like the lower profile rockwork and the space above your corals.