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July Reef Update

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The 215g continues to do well, which has been plumbed into the main sump since 4/16/12. Wow, already almost three months. Last I heard, Marineland received the crated 400g, but I've not heard anything further.

So I figured it was time for some eye candy. I've been watching the corals settle in over the past few weeks, and continue to be pleased to see their comeback. Specifically, some SPS have improved, which are my favorite coral.

Let me start off this this coral. One person identified it as a Cali Tort. I really don't know. What I do know is all the tips have healed over, and the color looks good. I did get a few topdown pictures, but it's tough with this tank and the lightrack locked in place.

As I mentioned in a previous blog, the birdnest corals started putting out their pointy growth tips.

Check out the large polyed Zoas (or Palys) hiding in the back corner of the reef.

This Acropora sp. (Surf n Turf?) has encrusted and new tips are light blue.

While looking down in the tank, I saw three polyps poking out of the sand, but they weren't visible. I unearthed the frag plug base and moved it onto the rock. Today, I saw they are one of my favorite zoas.

During the actinic period, I've been enjoying the come back of what I was expecting would die away: my Sunset Montipora. It's encrusting nicely.

This is one of two Gorgonians I brought home from the 20,000g reef in Long Island, NY. The parent colony is 21 years old, and my frag seems to be quite content. It's very white... in Joe's tank it was golden brown.

Some green Blastos. Grew from a single polyp.

The Orange Blob lives! Or should I say, we have some DNA to play with.

This Acan is aggressive, but oh-so-pretty.

I've had this Platygyra pini since 2004. It has more than doubled in size in that time, but I lost about 25% during all the tank issues. Still, it will heal over once more.

The purple Gorgonian I brought home from Florida is still doing well.

This is the left side of the reef.

The acan colony grew from four polyps, and the chalice from a small meaty chunk.

The Purple filrefish has been doing well. However, I only have the one. I still have one Helfrichi too.

My ricordea zone did well, but recently two polyps bleached out and shriveled up. I don't know why. I moved these in case it was a hot spot under my MH bulb.

The Rose BTA seems to love this one spot. The golden one to its right looks miserable by comparison. Guess it would like to be left alone, and not have to rub up against the Rose daily.

And here are three shots from the Frag Tank.

In the morning, I'm flying to California to see Jessy and attend Comic Con. This is my first time to attend, so I'm hoping to be blown away. My tank sitter has been brought up the speed, and hopefully everything will run on auto pilot sans surprises.

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  1. Alaska_Phil's Avatar
    The Orange Blob lives! Or should I say, we have some DNA to play with.
    We have the technology, we can rebuild him.

    Comic Con?! Thought I was the only closet comic geek here. Say hello to the Foglio's for me.

    Phil (comic and gamer geek/reefer/pilot)
  2. Alaska_Phil's Avatar
    P.S. What do I need to do to get a frag from that birdsnest?
  3. michika's Avatar
    Sexy sexy birdsnest. I agree with Phil - I want some too!
  4. blakew's Avatar
    Wow, how did I miss this...have to agree with the above the birdsnest is beautiful, also love the purple and green encrusting one (cali tort?)...for all those corals have been through, you've sure got them looking nice now.