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Snorkeler's Cube

One Green Chromis dead

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One of my 5 Green Chromis was behaving strange for some 4 months, it stopped swimming with the others, was always hiding or swimming at the cube's corners and apparently wasn't eating anymore. It was the largest specimen, possibly the older fish.

Well, yesterday it died. Found it stuck sideways on one of my MP10s. When I was trying to remove it a peppermint shrimp came by and took it away, immediately starting to eat it.

Not much was left when I came back home... well, I guess we can say it was recycled :-)

It'll be missed.

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  1. joeogio's Avatar
    sorry for your loss, are all of your other chromis doing well?
  2. snorkeler's Avatar
    Yep, they're all fine. I think the one that died was just old. I got some closeup pictures of it when it was swimming near the corners to see if I could spot parasites or signs of disease, because I was worried with the strange behavior, and I saw nothing at was the largest so I guess it was also the oldest.