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i bought a new friend today

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Finally i was able to find a berghia nudibranch to combat the Aiptasia population in my tank.

this little guy cost me 30bucks which is quite expensive, however it is well needed as Aiptasia are beginning to spread from my clam to my rocks and sand bed... i dripped this little guy for about 30min then set him in! I went to pour a cup of coffee and he was gone, i have no idea where he went, i gave up after about an hour of searching for him…the waiting begins

Contrary to what the photograph says….these guys are not microwave safe

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Updated 03-14-2012 at 04:40 PM by baker.shawn

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  1. melev's Avatar
    lol. Yeah, don't do that.
  2. baker.shawn's Avatar
    i think its offical, hes either dead or very lost in my tank....after 3 days hes still nowhere to be seen