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i went to buy salt, and came home with a frag

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Today I made the trip across town to pick-up salt I ordered BoxingDay, while I was looking around I noticed a ultra-superman monti and couldn’t say no for $30. I plan to mount it on my overflow box with a rubber coated magnet, the plan is to have it encrust, I’m also looking for a sunset monti for the other side of my overflow but they are very hard to come by here. Ill post some pics once it’s mounted!

the other night i went to have a look at the tank and saw this! needless to say in the morning the one side of the frag was white/dead....not very happy

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  1. Midnight's Avatar
    I like that blue one a lot
  2. Myhahockeykid's Avatar
    That coral in the second pic is an Acan Echinata right? Mine has eaten so many acro frags I've lost count, it's kill zone is like 3" radius all around it...
  3. baker.shawn's Avatar
    im 90% sure its an Acan Echinata and your right about the 3", it really sucks, i cant wait to get rid of it!! the colors arent even that nice
  4. Hat39406's Avatar
    I love the Monti, Shawn! I don't see very well. What is happening in the 2nd pic?
  5. melev's Avatar
    Beautiful coral, Shawn. Nice score.

    Acans need space or they'll get your corals. Henry, it is extending tendrils onto the SPS to its right and peeling the tissue right off the skeleton.
  6. Hat39406's Avatar
    Wow, thanks Marc! I had the same problem when I moved. I put all the corals in the tank myself and payed the price. I wanted to get them all in the tank but I didn't have anyone helping me and I can't see. Lost and hurt a lot of corals. Everything is in a good placement now and starting to grow again.
  7. baker.shawn's Avatar
    thanks guys, i have it mounted up on the overflow now...just a matter of time till its encrusting i hope!
    ill get a pic tomorrow!

    good news is that little frag is slowly recovering, i have 2 others like it with very little color, ill be posting about that tomorow though