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attaching aquarium heaters to my sump

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I am getting closer to actually putting water in my first tank every day but seems I have to stop and ask you guys a question. Today I am wondering what ideas you have to make sure the aquarium heaters stay in place in the sump. The little stick-on suction cups do not work worth a flip. I thought about sticking some silicon in there but wanted to seek advice before I did.

As always, thanks for the advice.

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  1. dread240's Avatar
    I just lay mine in there... and that's it... they go to the bottom
  2. Sisterlimonpot's Avatar
    although there is a "do not submerge past this line" mark, i do the same thing.
  3. DJ in WV's Avatar
    no you need a submergeble one to lay it on the bottom
  4. Midnight's Avatar
    if it will fit it the bubble trap and not stop flow that is a good spot
  5. Heathd's Avatar
    Fosters and smith sells magnetic holders for heaters if you are truly concerned about it holding to the wall. Just check to make sure that they are rated for the thickness of the acrlyic or glass used in your sump.
  6. Alaska_Phil's Avatar
    I use a fully submersible one and also just lay it on the bottom.
  7. rossbryant1956's Avatar
    Thanks everyone. I am going with the advice of the group. My fear was laying it directly against the glass, either on the bottom or up against the side so I decided to use the suction cups but as a base rather than requiring themto actually work...which they don't.

    New 55 gallon tank. Started making water tonite!!!