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its been a bad week

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wow im definitely in a "low" this week with the hobby, not much has been going right

first off, Thursday while fragging some acro i noticed i had redbugs i was not very happy, a couple pieces really are not doing so well working 9 hour days i havent been able to treat the tank, tomorrow i plan on attacking

On Friday i went out and bought a cheap UPS battery backup from tigerdirect. it cost $50 or so. It took me about 2 hours to mount under the stand and fixing up my wiring which included mounting other power bars, organizing cords and adding connectors between my led units and the ballast. When I tested, everything out i had about 10min with my mag5 and hydor1. needless to say it broke 2 days later, and i threw out the box and receipt cuz it WAS working

On saturday i sold my potters angle, Mary was a nightmare trying to catch her amongst the coral and rocks. me and the guy buying her took out most my rocks and SPS. It was quite easy with a unrestricted top and high hanging light. we just let everything chill on bucket for about 5min while i got her out of a somewhat empty tank, (it was low tide for a bit) all the rock went back somewhat the same it was just a very big, not fun job. ill add a pic tomorrow so everyone can see it now.
Pending me finding a vet with interceptor I will be treating the tank, I still need to figure out how much I need, but I do know my total water volume is right on 60gallons or so

on a good note my LFS has MP10ES on sale for $209 till Christmas so i think i may be joining the vortech club! probabuly friday and im also on the hunt for a McCormick's flasher wrasse pair and i need to order a ALC for my LED's and also a new ph and OPR probe

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  1. Hat39406's Avatar
    Hey Shawn, everything will get better. You know with this hobby we have ups and downs. We just try to limit the downs. Looks like you will have a lot of ups soon though. That's awesome! When I moved to the new house I lost hundreds of bucks in livestock. (corals) Due to the fact I only have a little eye-sight and I put corals in bad Places. Anyway, we move on and make our systems even better.