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Slow progress

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I have to admit it, I'm a bit frustrated. We picked up our new tank how long ago? About two months ago, that's when. And how much is actually done as far as getting the new setup going? Not enough, that's how much. LOL It's not all Jon's fault. We always have too many projects going on at once, and then add the three kids, work, a new puppy, and everyday life into the mix, and well....... Delayed gratification, I suppose.

Here are our curret stumbling blocks:
  • New tank is shorter than old one. Previous stand design isn't as aesthetically pleasing with shorter display on top. Need to re-engineer, tweak height. This is frustrating Jon, and in turn, me.
  • New tank is to be plumbed as peninsula style. All plumbing inside and outside the tank needs to be redone, rethought, more holes need to be drilled in my floor. This is taking Jon forever, and frustrating me.
  • New aquascaping and rockwork needs to be figured out. A combination of newly acquired dry rock and our existing live rock all somehow need to be tied together in some cohesive form. I'm a visual designer, so I can't actually plan anything til I get it all in front of me in the space it needs to occupy. This is frustrating Jon.
I'd just really like the tank up & running so I can relocate livestock from their cramped temporary quarters. No one is happy, and maintenance is turning into a big inconvenience. When something is inconvenient, it's not as likely to get done. In a reef tank, as you all know, this is not a good place to be. I really have no choice but to keep doing my deep breathing and repeating my new mantra: "Patience......"

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  1. Alaska_Phil's Avatar
    Just remember, this is a hobby. We do it for relaxation. So take a deep breath, relax and enjoy the process.

  2. Lyfey's Avatar
    +1 on the above. I understand with the puppy, when I got my new puppy almost a year ago, I didnt have any time for my tank. Most of my time with the tank is after the lady falls asleep and I sneak outa bed and go play with the fishes

    How big is the tank? Can you set it up as a sumpless tank for now just to get sand/rock/water/flow/light/heat and then transfer? Any progress is progress and will help the cycling process and also give the tank a birthdate, which we all know takes forever..... to mature. Good luck and dont let it get you stressed!

  3. kileysmama's Avatar
    Ha!!! Chris, you're a funny man! This is a replacement display for me. My total sysytem is approx 600 gallons, all tied together. Once this new display (205 gals) is put online all it'll ammount to is a decent sized water change, lol. Maturing is not an issue here.

    I know it's supposed to be a relaxing hobby. That's kind of my point. It is so NOT relaxing, or even terribly enjoyable the way things stand right now. Hopefully we'll get the new display hooked in and running some time in the next few weeks. The lack of a display and all my livestock crammed into my already overflowing prop tanks is just a bit stressful......
  4. fishtal's Avatar
    Hang in there kiddo, things will start coming together.
  5. melev's Avatar
    Perhaps Jon can make a platform/pedestal for the stand so it sits at the right height. Once that is knocked out, either of you can drill all the holes you like since they will be hidden. Then you can call in for reinforcements to get the stand in place and the tank on that. Regarding the plumbing, well - that's important but maybe you can whisper some sweet nothings in his ear and offer a few 'promises' to get him motivated.