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Delays, Delays, Delays....

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Doesn't it seem like every time you finally have the money saved up to upgrade to new equipment or buy supplies for the tank, that something pressing comes up that you have to spend the money on instead?? I posted a couple weeks ago about a new 125 I was setting up. Things haven't been going that well with the set up. I am trying to take time to make sure I get everything done the right way first time, but also I am trying to get money together to buy a good protein skimmer, a few media reactors, auto top off supplies, a RO/DI system, and possibly a calcium reactor. Circumstances are just not co-operating.... I've been delayed in set up because a lot of my supplies are at my old house that I rent to my wife's brother and his wife, we're not on the greatest terms so it takes quite a bit to go over and see them to get the equipment. Also my in-laws were in town last week so I had to play host and tour guide for 10 days; that will really slow a build down. lol. Then my bro-in-law who rents my other house lost his job so I didn't get any rent this month! Awesome. I love paying two mortgages..... So despite all that, yesterday was pay day for me and the wife, and it works out we both get paid 3x in July so I finally have some money to buy equipment. Yesterday morning my mother in law calls to tell us my wife's grandfather just passed away.... Now we are rushing around to make plans to go to Detroit to attend the viewing on Sunday and funeral on Monday. Delta is the only non stop airline to Detroit from Boston evidently, and their Bereavement rate is $795 and we would need 4 tickets.... not happening. So instead we are going to drive the 900 miles out there with my 4yr old niece and 2yr old nephew (my wife's brothers kids that we now have custody of) can't wait for that car ride. And to top it all off I am too fat to fit in any of my suits!!! Dropped $400 last night on a new suit, shirt, belt, and shoes at Mens Warehouse. That's not exactly how I wanted to spend that money. All said and done by the time we pay for gas, hotels, and food this trip will cost probably 1k easily. It sucks to spend the money, but its family and you do what you gotta do. Just feels like I am getting kicked while I am already down. I know this probably isn't very uplifting for anyone and not completely on point with goals of the site, but I had to get my frustrations out that my new tank is still sitting in the garage after 3 weeks of owning it!! Someday it will be set up and relieving my stress levels, and that day can't come fast enough!

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  1. matt_longview's Avatar
    The good news is you're learning the hardest lesson in reef keeping before ever setting up a tank. Patience. Most people setting up their first tank waste hundreds and hundreds because they rush the process and lose fish and corals or ruin equipment.

    Sad to hear about your situation, but it sounds like your priorities are in the right place. That's more important than all of our reefs! If you were here showing pics of your new tank but not visiting family and paying the second mortgage then you would really be in a bad situation!

    Keep up the good work!
  2. cyano's Avatar
    yeah I know the feeling, I have two expensive hobbies, cars and reefing, and trust me juggling them both is hard enough, but juggling them both with no money is even harder, especially when I am looking at a stage 3 flywheel and clutch ($400) turbo kit ($800) new sump ($??) new protein skimmer ($250+) metal halide setup ($600) all gauges (wide band, boost, oil pressure) + sandwich adapter plate and gauge pod ($450).....lets face it I need to win the lottery sucks also that i didn't include costs of more livestock and the motor and computer setup I already have standing by so yeah....I feel your pain but taking care of family, bills, and yourself always will come first
  3. Midnight's Avatar
    Disowning family that is out of state is a lot easier.
  4. melev's Avatar
    Definitely tough conditions to deal with, all around. Hopefully things will settle down for you soon so you can enjoy the hobby with less stress. Times are tight, and that's a big stressor.