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just an update! no more cyano!!!

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first off im sorry for the horrible pictures, for some reason when my camera focuses its making the picture wayyy to dark and i have to correct the exposure to compensate washing out all the color :s it really sucks

i finally got rid of my cyano!! i though it would never go away, even after treating the tank twice with medication..It came back! I stumbled across the solution to my problem while I was attempting rule out possible culprits, it turns out the cause was direct sunlight coming in through the window in the early morning, the solution to this massive headache turned out to be $2 of Bristol board (mom isnt very happy im covering her window but its way in the back of the family room where no one goes except me)

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But this wasn’t until I spend $170 on a dual DI and 6 packs of replacement resin from BRS -_- ..... literally the day i realized “hey my cyano is going away” was the same day the ups guy knocked on the door...i decided to keep the DI however, I figure it can’t hurt having it (even though I’m already at 0TDS)

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I also rigged up a new hanging system for my LEDS so now I can now raise and lower the units, I just need to add longer wires between the drives and the units as well as buy my glass shields to slide in the acrylic housing.....and do a proper write-up here, I’ve just been so busy with school ive had no time. The good news is I’m seeing super growth since adding the lights, my acros love it and my acans are starting to show some color I’ve never seen in them before
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About 3 weeks ago i visited the Oakville reefgallery in Oakville Ontario about 2hours away from here, i picked up a nice gold maxima (I think) $50, a colony of electric green acans $50 and an acan frag $20 that is red and white on the outside and green and orange in the middle. everything I bought is doing extremely well!!. i was nervous getting the clam, I have not have very good luck with them in the past, but this guy seems very happy

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  1. cyano's Avatar
    grats and a high five, it is a great feeling to finally be rid of that nuisance algae isn't it
  2. cyano's Avatar
    also great looking tank keep the photos coming
  3. matt_longview's Avatar
    Ahhh cyano is back!! oh wait... that's just a reef username. Whew... that was a close one.

    Congrats on beating it! *walks away from the computer to put up curtains in his dining room by his tank*
  4. baker.shawn's Avatar
    thanks guys! im really sooo happy i won this battle! with school, work and everything i wasnt sure if id have the time to be dealing with a problematic tank this summer. im glad thats no longer a worry so im just going to finish up my light and let my coral grow! i think my biggest problem now is 1 single aiptasia on the side of my clam which im not going to worry about for now.

    what also bugs me if the lack of algea in my tank, i have 1 mexican turbo in there and i have a feeling hes going to end up starving to death....i sorta feel bad

    cyano- i will have more pics just as soon as a figure out this darn camera...or replace it i know best buy had a pretty good deal on the d3000. hey melev or any other photography guys, anyideas what could be wrong with my camera (other then it being garbage)
    its a Canon PowerShot SX110 IS

    id also like to add that if anyone in the london area is reading this (i doubt there is) those purple digi colony/frags behind my green acans are "basicly" free come and get em please...i want them gone
  5. matt_longview's Avatar
    I checked some of the stats on your camera. From what I read online it appears to be only auto white balance with no presets that will help. Shooting under LEDs will be difficult without white balance control. If there is a manual setting that allows you to change aperture and shutter speed settings play around with those. I like to fully open the aperture and then get the shudder speed as low as it will go. If it is still over exposed, close the aperture some until it looks right. If not play around with it until you find the right balance. Feel free to ask me any questions.
  6. partman1969's Avatar
    Wish some of the images were larger. Tank looks real nice.