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Neon Goby added after quarantine

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Thirty five days ago I bought a Neon Goby from my LFS1 and decided to try my first quarantine (despite that LFS being trustworthy to always quarantine their fish). The little guy did well inside my Boyu MT-30 quarantine tank despite the temperature swings, the not-as-frequent-as-I-should feedings and lack of light (which I guess he doesn't care for).

He survived and didn't have any signs of disease, so today I decided it was time for him to move into my main tank. I fed him, fed the main tank (to make his future tank mates calm and therefore more welcoming) and waited for the main lights to go off in the display tank before introducing him.

Here is he still in the QT peeking out of his favorite hiding place (a shell with what was left of my GSP after my 4 Mithrax crabs ate the rest). So interesting that he never took much interest in the PVC tubes for hiding, buy quickly explored and adopted the shell (which is something natural):

Then, swimming out after I spread a small pinch of Cyclop-eeze in the water flow:

I removed the PVC tubing, then caught him with this net:

Here he is floating in a bag in the display tank for temperature adjustment, and, gradual water mixing before release:

And finally in his new home. He was well received by the fish still awake (my clowns).

I hope Mr Six (my six-line wrasse) doesn't bully him tomorrow when the day dawns...


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  1. jlemoine2's Avatar
    Nice addition. Neon gobies are a good splash of color and they add very little to the bioload.

    Based on this experience with QT, are you going to be placing future additions into QT?

  2. Wes's Avatar
    very cool fish, im ordering an ORA one. you need to give him his shell back! lol
  3. snorkeler's Avatar
    James: yes, I would, it wasn't hard to keep running. Of course my QT isn't top of the crop, but it works...

    Wes: that will have to wait a little :-) as I'd like GSP on that shell to grow back to a reasonable size before putting it back in the DT.