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u mike


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i just looked over at my tank after eating and what do i see plain as day my wrasse covered with ick. of course I just took down my hospital tank i am making a batch of water to get the hospital tank running but wont be ready until tomorrow when i get home from work. what are my chances no other fish will get covered?

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  1. David W's Avatar
    That really sucks. Try dipping all the fish in freshwater for three to five minutes. I would just move the wrasse over to the quarintine tank for now and if signs show on the other fish I would move them all over. I know it stinks a few months ago this parasite killed all my fish. But try treating the wrasse with some sort of medication in the quarintine tank. I used a medication called rid ich on my fish but unfortunatelly it was too late. If you use rid ich watch out it permenately dies the seal of an aquarium blue. But this should not be a big deal if used on your quarintine tank. Good luck.
  2. adam's Avatar
    From what I remember ick has a larval stage in the water for weeks or months even if no fish are in the tank. So even if you remove the wrasses there is a good chance your other fish my get it. I'd put all the fish in a hospital tank with a copper based medication. Good luck as I have never had success once I get a ick outbreak. Then again I'm stubborn and always wait way to long to act.