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G.F.O question....

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Hey everyone,

I've been running the Bulk Reef Supply Pelletized GFO in my BRS Reactor for about 3 weeks now...since then I've noticed that my ball of chaeto in my refugium hasn't been growing, and today I gave it a good shake and it was very soft and stringy instead of the usual dense "crunchyness" if you know what I mean. Any ideas? Could the GFO be having a negative effect on the Chaeto?

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  1. dread240's Avatar
    well the GFO is removing nutrients from the water that your chaeto would normally uptake. It's now relying solely on light and probably nitrates in order to keep growing. Overall I'd still say you're better off now, especially if it's dieing off, you're testing 0 on phosphate, and your nitrates are extremely low (preferrably 0)
  2. Sisterlimonpot's Avatar
    Agreed, you created a competition for phosphates and the GFO is winning the battle, I wouldn't be surprised that your chaeto will eventually die off
  3. Myhahockeykid's Avatar
    ok...that does make sense to me, I also have this strange pink coating on some the sand in my refugium, it kind of looks like "cotton candy" algae? Any ideas of how to control it? Reduce the refugiums photoperiod? It is currently on from 12am to 5am because my tank is in my bedroom.
  4. David W's Avatar
    Its probably cryno bacteria or some sort. I had some in my tank until the dude at the lfs gave me this bag to put in my filter and it went away and hasn't came back yet.
  5. Myhahockeykid's Avatar
    well the pink fuzzy algae was gone when I checked the fuge this afternoon...I'm guessing it could have been lint or something? I know this sounds silly but I swear it looked like the nasty cotton candy algae i've seen people ask about before. more strange algae problems for now :P got a gorgeous Acan frag from my LFS today for only 15 bucks, pics to follow.
  6. Myhahockeykid's Avatar

    4 beautiful heads, they look even better under the actinics but I couldnt get a picture to do them justice