Blog Comments

  1. washingtond's Avatar
    Thanks and how is the monti doing? Yes we have lots of birdsnest of all sizes, some are mounted and others are not. The price starts at $10.00.
  2. Hat39406's Avatar
    Very nice! I like monti, I recently got 3 frags of it and put in my tank. Do you still have birdsnest frags? If so, how much do you sell them for?
  3. washingtond's Avatar
    We now have the room for many more corals in the tank while still being able to keep Birdnest and Monti Caps just a little smaller. We were able to make over 30 Birdsnest frags and small colonies which we sold.

    Here are a few of them:
  4. washingtond's Avatar
    It was hard chopping up a very large Birdsnest colony but it was just getting too big. The same goes for the Red Monti Cap but not as much pain. On the good side we still have a fairly large Birdsnest colony left but now when I see a good looking coral that I really want there is now somewhere to put it. Now I am really looking forward to visiting the vendors at Next Wave and going to the upcoming Frag Swap as a buyer.

    The 75 gal tank will be next since it is also overgrown with LPS and Soft corals of all kinds.

    Here is picture of our 75 gal for those who have never seen it.

  5. melev's Avatar
    That must have been a tough decision to make. However, now you have more room at last.
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