Blog Comments

  1. Blake's Avatar
    damn i will have to check them out. And @OneReef all these chalices must have set you back a mint! haha
  2. Myhahockeykid's Avatar
    WWC is WorldWideCorals they are located in Orlando, FL and they have a sick online store at

    Probably one of the best stores out there, they have the best stuff and the coolest fish, including "Casper" the aberrant yellow tang (mostly white)
  3. brotherd's Avatar
    Can't stop staring at that pic.Very nice.
  4. Blake's Avatar
    What is WWC?
  5. Blake's Avatar
    What species is the green one in picture 11 the one underneath the stylophora aka birdsnest??
  6. Myhahockeykid's Avatar
    Gorgeous pics both here and in your SPS blog post! I see you have alot of stuff from WWC (I can tell by the plugs) are they local to you?
  7. kitch40's Avatar
    nice rockwork!!! Are you supplementing to get so much coraline algae in only 4 months???
  8. OneReef's Avatar
    Not sure, all it says on the bag is N/P-Reducing Biopellets. Then on the bottom of the label it shows an address with the name D. vanHouten in the Netherlands. Has a web of At any rate, I love the EcoBaks and will never stray from them again. I have been using them now on my new tank for about 6 weeks and everything looks great, and levels are undetectable for Po4 and NO. Used the Ecobaks on my old 150g and has perfect results as well. I hope Warner Marine continue to manufacture them. Maybe I need to load up on Black Friday sales..
  9. melev's Avatar
    What brand is the bagged stuff? Who's the maker? I'll be trying Ecobak in four weeks.
  10. Robb in Austin's Avatar
    Beautiful woodwork. I can only imagine maintenance is going to be a pain, mostly the sides and back, with the tight quarters.
  11. melev's Avatar
    When I first saw this blog, it only posted images up to the painted template test. Since then, you added more images and descriptions. So all of it is showing up now. I'm saying if you are building a blog that isn't ready to go live, save it as a draft and no-one but you can see it until it is "published."
  12. OneReef's Avatar
    Are all my pictures and text showing up, or are you saying that I have the new ones in draft? Kinda confused
  13. melev's Avatar
    I see you updated you blog with more pictures. Remember they aren't visible if you save it as a "draft", but you'll see see it when you click "create new blog" -- just select your saved draft and add more until you are ready to publish it. You can then select Publish Now, or Publish On and pick the time and date to release your blog(s).

    Now that the tank has water and rock in it, the future pictures should be pretty with the shadow box background.
  14. chuck's Avatar
    Very cool idea!! Would like to see this with the tank setup

    Has anyone used this brand of LED light to illuminate their aquarium??
  15. Hat39406's Avatar
    Nice job! Would love to see it on the tank.
  16. melev's Avatar
    I got to see this in person behind the tank and the final product was really nice.
  17. OneReef's Avatar
    Update: After adding 250ml more of the EcoBak pellets back on 11/18 for a total of 750ml for my 150g tank, my phosphates this morning 11/27 (Hanna meter) were at .02. This is the lowest they have been since starting the pellets or even running GFO.
  18. OneReef's Avatar
    I added a video below the last picture.
    Updated 11-20-2010 at 07:47 AM by OneReef
  19. mledford's Avatar
    @ Alaska_Phil
    You are more than welcome bud. I did a lot of research before going to the Bio Pellets.
  20. stangchris's Avatar
    Murray Camp has a good article, got to attend one of speaking event at our local fish club meeting a couple months back also ....
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