Blog Comments

  1. cyano's Avatar
    That is exactly what the Mermaids want us to think!
  2. Midnight's Avatar
    Damn, I thought Daryl Hannah was sexy as a mermaid. Also Alyssa Milano is sexy with a tail.
  3. Alaska_Phil's Avatar
    Update: He's currently taken up residence under my lobo brain. there's a joke here somewhere, but I can't come up with it right now.
  4. Alaska_Phil's Avatar
    At least it was 80 degrees out that day. I'm pretty sure they would have been dead if I'd moved it on a subzero day. I even rinsed it out with 40 degree fresh water (that's temp out of my hose). So I'm really surprized they survived.
  5. Jessy's Avatar
    Nice. It's got to be the Alaska air.
  6. Alaska_Phil's Avatar
    Considering these guys survived a tank move where the sump was dry for several hours, I'd say they're pretty dang tough! They're all over my live rock too. Love these little guys.
  7. blennyman's Avatar
    I love those little guys. Not near as robust as the run of the mill white ones, at least in my tank, but much more pleasing to the eye!
  8. Alaska_Phil's Avatar
    I'll definitly look into some of the cheaper controllers for them. The 1" SCWD would only have switched about every 90 seconds with the pump I've got.
  9. melev's Avatar
    Shooting a subject dead on rather than at an angle is best. Diagonally through glass will cause distortion, but sometimes you can't help that because of where the subject is. Try to avoid over cropping an image, as what remains will be blow up to the size you've set in the software which can pixelate it. Maybe a topdown shot would be better?
  10. melev's Avatar
    If you use a controller, you can cycle these on and off, but not every seven seconds like a SCWD.

    Yep, it comes with all the stuff in the box to use it either way.
  11. Alaska_Phil's Avatar
    BTW Marc, any tips on how to get sharper photos out of my little digicam? This was a flash photo taken at ISO 400, using a monopod, then cropped, but otherwise un-edited.
  12. Alaska_Phil's Avatar
    Midnight, correct.
    I've got 2 of the Maxi 400's now, and they're generating a lot of current. Plus they're a lot quieter than the Pan World pump that runs the closed loop. But I do miss the alternating current the SCWD provides.
  13. Midnight's Avatar
    So, it's the same motor just turned in its side and propeller and shroud are installed?
  14. melev's Avatar
    It's not their official name. They are still sold as Maxijet 1200, 900, and 600. Here's a quick link I found you:

  15. Alaska_Phil's Avatar
    No names, any fish I name seems to die shortly after.
  16. Alaska_Phil's Avatar
    Not until I opened the boxes I didn't. LOL I'm not familiar with the MJ Streams, I'll have to look those up.
  17. melev's Avatar
    Did you know the new Maxijet pumps come with the propeller option? You can get way more flow out of those pumps, and they have the bigger shroud too. Might be worth your time to ditch the closed loop & scwd and use two of the MJ Streams.
  18. melev's Avatar
    That's awesome! You should name him.
  19. Alaska_Phil's Avatar
    Here he is!

  20. Alaska_Phil's Avatar
    Came home tonight and the house stunk to high heavens. Started doing the sniff test on everything after opening the windows. Culprit was one arm of my closed loop. The one that hadn't had any flow through it for several months. It was still full of the stagnant water. Yuck! I'm going to have to throughly flush it before reusing. In the mean time, I'm using a pair of Maxi jet 400's with the propeller mod. It's tempting to just keep them and forget the closed loop. The move a very impressive amount of water.
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