Blog Comments

  1. NeenahFoxxe's Avatar
    Nice! Love the color!
  2. melev's Avatar
    AWESOME piece. That's what I call a decent sized frag!
  3. Alaska_Phil's Avatar
    Saw the goby again tonight, IN THE SHRIMPS HOLE!

    However, he doesn't look like the one I bought from the LFS 2 weeks ago. It looks like the one I got from blue zoo 4 weeks ago! So now I need to watch and see if I've got 2 gobies.

  4. melev's Avatar
    Congrats on finding your buddy. I keep watching for a red mandarin I bought a month ago, and haven't seen it since the day I added it to my tank.
  5. Alaska_Phil's Avatar
    Nice photo! I've got a Randolfs pistol shrimp and yellow nose/Red Antenna/Candy stripe goby (gotta love multiple common names). I've had this pair before, but I had the goby before the shrimp last time and it didn't take long for them to pair up. Love watching goby/shrimp pairs. My last goby even used to grab food and spit it out at the shrimp. And both were much braver and out in the open more after they paired. Keeping my fingers crossed.

  6. mledford's Avatar
    Here is a picture of my duo. Took me a year and a half to get this picture. Once they acclimate to each other, they'll be two pees in a pod. Very frustrating but in time you will see the symbiotic relationship form. The goby will become very protective. I have read though, sometimes the symbiotic relationship doesn't form in captivity. It took me such a long time because the goby would hurd the shrimp back in their den before I could get a shot.

  7. Jnarowe's Avatar
    Hairy, but still tasty.
  8. blakew's Avatar
    Sasquatch snail
  9. Midnight's Avatar
    That's pretty hairy
  10. blakew's Avatar
    I have an "Arch" with a "roof" that slightly angles toward the front of the tank...the scarlet skunk cleaner pair hung out under the arch all the time, but they weren't really hidden from view or anything...the Flameback Angel would swim up to them and let them clean him for a few seconds, swim off, then swim back for more cleaning...the clown and the goby stayed away from the shrimp's arch mostly but occasionally the shrimp would go over to the goby's cave and pester him...he'd swim through his cave to the back side of the tank to avoid them.

    Really disappointed to hear the blood shrimp stay more hidden...really wanted a pair for the 75...there color is so bold, they definitely would add some interest to a tank, if you could see them.
  11. Alaska_Phil's Avatar
    Mine hangs out on the underside of my birdsnest colony all the time. I can see him back there, but he's certainly not out in the open. He only comes out at feeding time. Doesn't even come out at night. But they're so gorgeous I couldn't resist.
  12. melev's Avatar
    I had one in my 280g that I saw at best every other month. It's so pretty - far too pretty to not enjoy often. Perhaps I had a fish or some other invert that kept it in hiding, but during my travels I almost only see them when visiting a LFS.
  13. blakew's Avatar
    So I'm guessing the blood shrimp hide much more than the scarlet skunk cleaners? My pair of scarlet skunk cleaners were always out providing interest and hatching lots of food for the tank until they both died the same night a while back (not sure but I've never had an iodine test kit so I never dosed iodine and the levels may have dropped to a point that they couldn't shed their exoskeletons???). I was thinking of replacing them with a pair of blood shrimp, but may have to reconsider if the blood shrimp hide all the time.

    Looks like Phil is stocking his tank with all of my choices as well. (First the Kole and now the blood shrimp )
  14. Alaska_Phil's Avatar
    I went back and forth before I decided to buy him for those very reasons. Very beautiful, but rarely seen. On the plus side my mithrax crabs are almost always out in the open providing some interest to the tank.
  15. melev's Avatar
    Nice - I think those are quite beautiful, but too darn elusive.
  16. Alaska_Phil's Avatar
    Thanks Marc. Part of what the photo doesn't show is that whenever he tips side to side, he appears to change from purple to a dark burnt orange, similar to the sunset color of his fins. So far he hasn't touched any prepared foods, not even nori. But he's constantly picking at the rocks, glass and snails.

    Plus I don't anticipate having anything bigger than a 75 for a long time, and Koles are one of the smallest tangs available.
  17. melev's Avatar
    You know, I've always resisted the urge to buy tangs, keeping only the two I have since 2004, but last year I brought home three Yellows, two of which are still with me and I keep considering adding more because they are so pretty. Then I stop myself because I don't want a tank full of tangs. This is one I'd seriously consider though, because they are really pretty and often docile. Plus they help keep the tank clean.
  18. Alaska_Phil's Avatar
    This is my first one, I've only had a yellow tang in the past. So far I'm loving him.
  19. blakew's Avatar
    I love Kole active and attractive.
  20. Alaska_Phil's Avatar
    Jessy, thanks for the insite. I haven't had much opportunity to view corals in the wild myself. I was trying to pick some of the algae out last night and broke off a couple tips, so I planted them in likely spots around the tank. Later, my red flashlight reveled a mixrath crab perched on top of it busily picking away at the algae.

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