Looks like I'm getting my old 55 gal set up back soon! Here's what it looked like a year ago when I had to give it away. I'm currently shopping around for a used 75 to upgrade too. And here's what it looks like today. The algae is pretty bad, but the corals are all still thriving. ...
Updated 04-17-2012 at 01:21 AM by Alaska_Phil
Not much progress on the 150 build due to some changes in my life recently. But here's some updates. First, here's a shot of the brace in the center of the tank. I can't seem to eliminate the cloudyness, I'm even tried polishing it out with Flitz with no effect. It's about 2' wide so I'm always going to have a lower light area in the center of this tank. I ordered a pair of overflow kits from ...
Hi all, I know I haven't been around much for a few months. Life got kind of crazy on me. First, after 8 months of marital hell my wife left me and Alaska to go home to Utah. We're working on the divorce now. This August, I got some really bad news on my airplane at it's annual inspection. Short answer is that it requires about $12k in repairs to be airworthy again. So I sold it "as-is" to a student aircraft mechanic. It'll provide a nice training project ...
Updated 10-01-2010 at 03:23 AM by melev
I may have an opportunity to visit Guam this year, so I did a little research on the place and found this great web site with lots of high quality photos of the reefs and reef life there. Lots of inspiration for future tanks. www.guamreeflife.com Enjoy!