Blog Comments

  1. Alaska_Phil's Avatar
    No star polyps, but I do have a large frogspawn on the opposite side of the tank.
  2. Reefdaddy's Avatar
    Hmm Do you have star polyps in your tank at all? Or any corals that send out stringers? Maybe they ahitting your other corals .
  3. Alaska_Phil's Avatar
    Reefdaddy, this started happening before I added the turf scrubber, so I doubt it's the culprit. The problem with taking it off line, is that it'll take several weeks to catch up and get back to functioning like it was before.

    I did move one of my finger leathers under the overflow box a few weeks back, the darkest corner of the tank, but it didn't seem to make a difference. so I'm not convinced it's the light entirely either.
  4. Reefdaddy's Avatar
    Turf scrubber can be notorious for eliminating good stuff out as well as the DOC's that create algae. I would take the TS offline for a week and monitor what happens. Also add some rock to the current rock you have or rearrange the rock to make shade spots for your corals.

    Are your T5's overdriven?
  5. MeVsTheWorld's Avatar
  6. Alaska_Phil's Avatar
    Temp is steady at 80F just as before.
  7. Alaska_Phil's Avatar
    I did aclimate them to the new lights by only running half at a time, then slowly increasing the overlap time. That was over a year ago. Biggest other change since then has been adding a sump and algae turf scrubber, which has pretty much eliminated nusiance algae in the display. Here's a pic from right before the lighting upgrade:

    The toadstool was pretty unhappy that day, since I'd just done some rearranging, but you can see how much the mushrooms and other corals were open compared to this recent FTS:

    Though I love the fact that the rocks are clean now, but my tank looks so barren with all the mushrooms and leathers shriveled up.
    Updated 10-13-2010 at 07:53 PM by Alaska_Phil
  8. Blown76mav's Avatar
    Did you acclimate the corals to the new lights or just POW! one day 110W of light to 216w the next day?

    How long have the new lights been up? Whats the water temp now compared to before? Anything else been added or changed since then?
  9. Alaska_Phil's Avatar
    Here's a recent shot of my toadstool, this is about as much polyp extention as I ever see.
  10. Alaska_Phil's Avatar
    Hat; I've currently got 5 chromis. Most schooling fish seem to due best in odd numbers of at least 5. So that seems to be working as they're not picking on any other fish, or any one chromis, and are always out and active. Additionally I've got the yellow tang, 1 clown, 1 Rainford's goby and my antenna goby/pistol shrimp pair. Clean up crew consistes of 2 emerald crabs, about 10 blue leg hermits, 20+ Astrea snails and a handfull of other snails. I'm going to be adding some SPS corals right after I find time to set up an auto dosing system for Calc and Alk.

    Jaxom: Thanks, these really are both very challenging and rewarding hobbies.

  11. Jaxom's Avatar
    Hey Phil welcome back, sorry to hear about the personal life, but you are into 2 of the best hobbies to carry you on.
  12. Hat39406's Avatar
    Very nice Phil! I haven't seen ya tank in a while now and I was wondering how it was doing. Glad to see it's doing great! How many Chromis' do you have? (I believe that's Chromis' in ya tank). I want to get some and was wondering what's a good number? I would like a small school of them.
  13. Alaska_Phil's Avatar
    Hat, here you go:

    that little plane has some pretty beefy structure hidden under the fabric. In some areas it's heavier duty than many certified aircraft I've worked on.
  14. Hat39406's Avatar
    Where is that FTS my friend? ;-)
  15. reefocd's Avatar
    I KNOW zero about planes and flying, but I'm just say'in ... I've seen Box kites with more structural support You are a Brave Soul and must be a very TRUSTING person..... You could have been John Glenn's co-pilot during the Apollo program... He couldn't find any friends during those first few test orbits.... My idea of living dangerous is each time I work under my reef tank/stand of which I engineered and built, EGADS!!
  16. Alaska_Phil's Avatar
    Nope, that's correct Marc. Technically we're still married as we're still going through the paperwork, but We got married on October 24 2009 and she left June 28 2010.

    I broght my camera in today, so I'll be able to snap some pictures at lunch time.

    Now I just have to get updated on everyone elses tanks.
  17. michika's Avatar
    Hey Phil,

    Happy you're back!
  18. melev's Avatar
    Welcome back, Phil. I like the plane - looks like you'd get a heck of a view. 8 month-marriage? Is that a typo?
  19. Hat39406's Avatar
    Sounds like a plan. Can't wait to see the updated pics! :-)
  20. Alaska_Phil's Avatar
    Thanks Hat, good to be back. I'll try to take some updated photos of the tank this weekend to post. It's really looking good despite my recent neglect.
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