Blog Comments

  1. Jessy's Avatar
    Are you talking about an octospawn? What you have here is called polyp bail out and it is usually caused by stress on the animal. At first glance I would say that it is MAYBE your water quality. Your DKH is a low by my standards and your CA is high. Try raising your DKH and let your CA lower naturally by not adding more to the tank for a short period of time. Keep an eye on your pH during this time to make sure it doesn't spike. Polyp bail out is not a usual thing with a happy specimen of euphyllia (frogspawn/octospawn) so don't listen to your LFS. That's like saying that a fish with ich is a normal thing. It means its sick and you need to do something to take care of it better.

    If you fix the water chemistry and you're still having a problem with bail out, it may be that the flow is too heavy in the area or it didn't like a change in lighting.
  2. DIYreefer's Avatar
    Update. 1. My second head of frog spawn has blown the popsickle stand.
    2. This is a known issue with this species as yet no one knows for sure the cause. A lfs that I frequent says they see this alot with new frags that they get. As such they tend to keep them in quarantine for some time before sale to the public.
  3. DIYreefer's Avatar
    It looks very similar to frog spawn, but has longer "Tentacles" with more white dots.
  4. Trido's Avatar
    What exactlly is an Octopus coral? Ive never heard of such a thing.
  5. DIYreefer's Avatar
    Thank you, I found it today free floating in the current. So I placed him i a cup shaped rock in the tank and he seems content there. If it reattaches and makes a new skeleton I'll have two for the price of one.
  6. VitalApparatuz's Avatar
    Wow 520 calcium!
    Good luck with the octopus