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Aquarius Marinus

  1. Sump Ideas

    Good Afternoon fellow Reef Addicts.

    I mentioned last week that I would be writing about my sump placement at some point in the future. I like to experiment with sumps and equipment, I love refugiums, the idea of experimenting with cryptic zones or algae turf scrubbers, so I really didn't like the idea of trying to cram everything in the stand under the 24" x 24" aquarium stand. It's also harder to access and clean the equipment under there. I am extremely annoyed by salt creep, ...
    Questions - Need some input , ‎ Plumbing , ‎ Equipment
  2. Lighting for 60g cube

    Good day, Reef Addicts!

    I have a lot of decisions to make for my new tank set up. (Rimless 60g 24"x24"x24") But there are two larger ones that are weighing on my mind heavily. The first one is my sump location (I'll do a separate blog entry on that) the second is my lighting system. I basically have my heart set on one of two options, but if anyone can convince me to change my mind, then props to them.

    First option is to have 10 NO T12s.

    Okay ...
  3. Hello Again, Reef Addicts!

    I joined Reef Addicts when I was setting up my first "big" tank almost exactly four years ago. I just re-read my previous blog entries around the time I was setting up that tank. A lot has happened since then, I moved to a different state and got married! I have moved three times since 2010, and just bought my first house.

    Unfortunately, my 180 reef is no more

    During one of our moves (probably the most stressful one ever, our landlord changed our move-out ...
    Random Thoughts