Blog Comments

  1. Plantguy's Avatar
    Your sketchup skills are impressive! I use it all the time, but never went to the trouble of recreating a fluval!
  2. duster's Avatar
    My only concern is how much light, and what duration will you receive thru a 13" skylight? maybe If the tube is made of some sort of reflective material you could extend this time. keep posting, good luck
  3. Jessy's Avatar
    Solar tubes are awesome but be prepared to supplement with actinic lighting to get that pretty blue we're used to seeing tanks look like. Sunlight is supa yellow

    And what direction does that part of your roof face? You'll need to think about how much sunlight that area really gets.
  4. MMoore0324's Avatar
    Looks pretty good. I think that the solar tubes are soo cool. I would love to have like a 50g circle tank with a solar tube above it. I really like the way that floating pseudo hood looks. Has a very modern, high end look. Good luck!
  5. cornhusker85's Avatar
    There actually called solar tubes and the president of my local club has them over his tank. go on to forums and search for solar tubes.
  6. Blown76mav's Avatar
    That would have been perfect for a larger version of this.... it was going to be a seahorse tank, but turned out too small and short. Holds about 5 gallons and is shaped like a superman emblem. Only 1 seam in the back made out of acrylic by me.

    Updated 01-23-2010 at 11:04 PM by Blown76mav