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Tank Entry

  1. 20 Gallon Long Aquarium Upgrade.

    So after taking a look at my aquarium and seeing how cramped the aquascaping looked. I decided that maybe I should go a little bit larger. So the local Pet Smart was having a sale on 20 gallon long aquariums so I decided that would do just nicely. I wanted to space our the rockwork and provide more swimming space for the fish and growth for the coral.

    Tank Entry
  2. Deltec Equipment Vendor in the United States?

    So I may just have been extremely tired but I have been looking for a vendor that sells Deltec Equipment here in the United States and I'm not having much luck. I have some expansion ideas for my aquarium but they are mostly dependent on finding the Deltec equipment. Any thoughts?
    Questions - Need some input , ‎ Tank Entry , ‎ Equipment
  3. EcoTech Marine Vortech MP10 ES.

    Well since I have no fish in my aquarium and won't have any for at least 2 months I decided that I should shift my attention to gathering the rest of the equipment for my aquarium. I don't feed my fish on a daily basis in order to prevent from fouling the water. But I did notice that my sand bed looked a little dirty and I could see areas our the lower perimeter of the live rock that was accumulating waste. One of the things I have learned from the many books that I have read is I need to focus ...
    Tank Entry , ‎ New Additions
  4. First Ever Full Blown Aquarium Disease.

    So the last fish inhabitant of my aquarium is about to pass on and after taking a full battery of water parameter test and going with everyone's suggestions on what I thought was a Bristle Worm problem I think the following photographs below would most likely point to some type of water born disease except I'm not expert on marine disease so if you have any thoughts than please chime in. It doesn't seem to affect any of the inverts, clams or corals within the aquarium. Your assistance in advance ...
  5. Water Chemistry Parameters.

    So I had both my Purple Firefish die this morning. So no more adding livestock until I get to the bottom of this. Here are the results of my Salifert test kits. I did however, do a 0.2 gallon water change this morning a few hours prior to testing so I will have to wait until Friday to test again. But I don't think the readings would have been far off.
    • Salinity Grade: 1.025 SG
    • Temperature: 78.0 Fahrenheit
    • Ammonia: 0 ppm
    • Nitrite: 0 ppm
    • Nitrate: 5 ppm
    • pH: 8.0 pH
    • Alkalinity: 11.18
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