Blog Comments

  1. melev's Avatar
    Looks good.
  2. B1N4RY's Avatar
    Quote Originally Posted by melev
    Nice upgrade. My first tank was a 20g Long - nice choice.
    Thank you. I rally wanted to go with a 34 gallon long to take up the whole table but my wife wasn't feeling the idea of me purchasing another Kessil right now since I'm in the process of buying a new car. So I guess I had to give... for now.
  3. B1N4RY's Avatar
    Quote Originally Posted by melev
    What kind of work do you do again?
    I am a private contractor specializing in infrastructure and data center support for government facilities.
  4. B1N4RY's Avatar
    Quote Originally Posted by melev
    Congrats on your new toy!
    Thank you. This thing is a beast!
  5. B1N4RY's Avatar
    Well a member on a another forum had the exact some thing in his aquarium. They are Arminid Nudibranchs. I discovered the source of where they were coming from in my aquarium when I was told that they feed on Soft Coral. I had purchased a Clover Colony that my wife thought was pretty and even though my water parameters were correct it just was wasting away. A few days ago after finding out what these guys were I removed the entire colony and rock since it was covered with them. I haven't seen any stragglers in the aquarium since.
  6. melev's Avatar
    Nice upgrade. My first tank was a 20g Long - nice choice.
  7. melev's Avatar
    What kind of work do you do again?
  8. melev's Avatar
    Congrats on your new toy!
  9. melev's Avatar
    Looks clean. Add more snails, and manually place the snails in the algae-infested areas. Rip off by hand what you can, rinsing your fingers in a bowl of rinse water next to the tank after every pinch. By reducing the load, the snails are able to take care of the rest.

    That HOB filter looks like it could benefit from a black piece of acrylic to avoid algae growing in it?
  10. melev's Avatar
    I have no idea. What's it been doing since then? Have you seen it since?
  11. melev's Avatar
    I'm not sure about that. Does the W light up?
  12. B1N4RY's Avatar
    Quote Originally Posted by melev
    I'm really enjoying your blog entries, Binary. The pictures are great, and your thoughts are well written.

    I have an Mp10 on my frag tank and love it. It's one of the earliest models, with a blue box instead of the pretty white controller. I could change it out since I'm an Ecotech retailer, but it works so I've not bothered. I just got mine programmed via the Apex to stop the pump for 10 minutes when I feed the suncorals... I should have done that two years ago.
    Thank you Melev. If it aint broke... don't fix it. I just looked at mine and the white controller has a W on it which I know should signify wireless. But I ordered what I thought was just the es model. Did I luck out?
  13. B1N4RY's Avatar
    Quote Originally Posted by melev
    Typically, the only time I see Deltec is at MACNA. I'm not sure how they sell their products - if it is online only or if you need your LFS to order in what you need.
    I was hoping to order direct. I live in New York and most local fish stores here charge such a premium on dry goods. I'm hoping I can find it online. I would love to place an order for a new protein skimmer. Most likely the Deltec MCE600 Hang On Back model.
  14. melev's Avatar
    Typically, the only time I see Deltec is at MACNA. I'm not sure how they sell their products - if it is online only or if you need your LFS to order in what you need.
  15. melev's Avatar
    I'm really enjoying your blog entries, Binary. The pictures are great, and your thoughts are well written.

    I have an Mp10 on my frag tank and love it. It's one of the earliest models, with a blue box instead of the pretty white controller. I could change it out since I'm an Ecotech retailer, but it works so I've not bothered. I just got mine programmed via the Apex to stop the pump for 10 minutes when I feed the suncorals... I should have done that two years ago.
  16. melev's Avatar
    So sorry to hear it took out all your fish. That disease isn't forgiving at all. I'd also recommend you get Safety Stop, as the first part is Formalin.

    I keep it in stock, and highly recommend it.
  17. B1N4RY's Avatar
    Hey guys, I didn't get a chance to reply to everyone but I did some research and I'm pretty sure its Brooklynella Hostilis. Unfortunately, all the tank inhabitants have perished so my beautiful reef is now the barren sea. I will be setting up a small quarantine aquarium and keeping new stock housed for a period of 4 to 6 weeks before removing them and introducing them into my main display. I will also be setting up an ultraviolet sterilizer on both systems as an extra measure of protection.
  18. mpedersen's Avatar
    Formalin can be pretty tough to find these days, as it's a pretty noxious carcinogenic treatment. But for Brook, it is the best. You may even need to ask a VET for it at this point. It's not something that requires a prescription, but I think it's being clamped down upon. Not sure how/why exactly.
  19. melev's Avatar
    Thanks Matt, I appreciate your help with this thread.
  20. melev's Avatar
    Better look up Brooklynella. Clownfish disease is a common nickname. You need to treat this immediately.
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