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  1. 60g Shallow Reef

    Well for the past four months now I have been reef-less and it's seriously killing me. I had to sell my 3 reefs for a move to a new city. I'm all settled in now and ready start my next reef.

    I am currently having a custom acrylic tank and sump built by a very talented local club member. The tank measures 36X24X16 and will hold roughly 60 gallons. Here is a sample photo of a similar tank that my friend has built.

    Tank Entry , ‎ Tank - Full Summary
  2. Reef-less Addict

    Hi my name is Matt and I am an addict...

    I have been a reef addict for the past decade. It all started at dinner one night with my, then future in-laws. Ken my, present, father in law was talking about his 90g saltwater aquarium. I had always wanted a saltwater tank, but was always told it was way to hard and just not really possible. After dinner I soon realized that I could totally do this! I ran to the LFS and bought a 55g set up quicker than quick. I soon had the cycle going and ...

    Updated 01-26-2010 at 02:58 AM by MMoore0324

    Tank Entry , ‎ Random Thoughts