Blog Comments

  1. landlord's Avatar
    I ran copper for two weeks and did a 3 day PraziPro regimen. The two Lyretails were, and had been eating like champs since day one. The Queens never took to frozen food during this time. I lost 5 of them in QT with only 2 showing either a gill issue or something else that presented like lymphocystis. In any case I moved the remaining 4 Queens and the 2 Lyretails to the DT several days back. 1 Queen has gone AWOL in the rockwork, presumed dead but the remaining 3 and the 2 goldies are out an about. Still haven't seen any eating out of the Queens yet, and they look thin. I will begin adding large quantities of BBS to see if I can kickstart their appetites.

    Only time will tell

    Thanks for the reply! --Kurt
  2. sea2uaquariums's Avatar
    get some copper going in the qt and great move by doing so

    patience is the one thing you need to have and it will save you many headaches
  3. TheBChamp's Avatar
    Yeah that sucks.. I don't know if you have ever seen this article but it has some pretty good stuff on ICH..

    However if it is flukes I guess this wont be much help.. but thought I would throw it out there.
  4. landlord's Avatar
    I'll give the PE Mysis a try, I really want to be successful with these guys, thanks Jessy!
  5. landlord's Avatar
    Well I have a better idea of what the dance is. It is the Dance of Death! The only other time I remember seeing this behavior I made mention of it on the MOFIB website and the very next day one of the dancers was dead. As soon as I got home from work yesterday around 2:30 PM. Dead pipefish so I am down to one.

  6. Jessy's Avatar
    Wow! First of all you started me drooling with the pics... I LOVE ANTHIAS. Then I read and I got so upset for you! I should know more about fish disease than I do but I don't. All I know is that I got an Anthia and it gave my entire tank velvet and killed about 25 fish saddest week of my life. So kudos on the QT. I have a friend that is a Anthia whore and I believe I've heard him say he's had success with PraziPro before. My anthias LOVED to eat PE MYSIS so you may have luck with that. The PE Mysis is full of fatty acids and made my anthias super fat and happy fast. (Until their untimely demise that is)

    Now my little piece of knowledge. Flukes is definitely in the gills, Ich you'll see all over the body. If its velvet I doubt they'd be alive as that IME kills fast. I'll see if I can get my friend to chime in or not.
  7. landlord's Avatar
    Quote Originally Posted by Cantankerous Kevin
    Awesome setup! Do I have to pay "Rent" if I land on your property and want to take a tour?

    No "Bank Error in your Favor" cards being given out over here! I've spiked the deck with "Go to Jail"

    Thanks Kevin
  8. landlord's Avatar
    Quote Originally Posted by SavunSok
    Great article, how are the maroon clown babies coming along? What is your plan for the pipefish?
    Thanks for asking. I have currently stopped harvesting eggs from the GSM parents. I have 3 different batches going between the ages of 2 and 4 weeks. All fish left have gone through meta and have their stripes! Yay! So now I will have about 150 babies for a growout tank. It'll be awhile before I can trade them all away. Now I am hoping to get one of my percula pairs to resume laying so I can give them a shot.

    The pipefish I am trying to raise are part of my submission into the 2010 Breeders Challenge over at They vote on and select several species of fish and an invert entry each each in the hopes of getting more information out on how to breed some easy and some hard to breed species. I am giving a hand at the pipefish but also firefish (unsuccessful to date) and peppermint shrimp of which I am haveing some success. I think I have about 3-4 three week old juvenile shrimp going right now.
  9. riderc82's Avatar
    Nice setup
  10. Cantankerous Kevin's Avatar
    Awesome setup! Do I have to pay "Rent" if I land on your property and want to take a tour?
  11. SavunSok's Avatar
    Great article, how are the maroon clown babies coming along? What is your plan for the pipefish?
  12. landlord's Avatar
    Anytime - Shouldn't be too hard to talk my wife into letting me host a meeting. Thanks for the kind words!
  13. drimo's Avatar
    Great write-up Kurt! I'd like to see your setup in person someday.
  14. landlord's Avatar
    Tal - Thanks for the invite and the kind words. I read the MASM posts and it sounds like a pretty great program you all have in the works. You lined up some innovative speakers as well. I've read many of Matt's posts, and yours on MOFIB and this particular initiative sounds pretty inviting.

    Take Care and as if you haven't been told already, Congrats on your achievement award!

  15. fishtal's Avatar
    Kurt looks great! It's great to see people getting into captive breeding. You might be interested in the breeding program that we've started: Check it out and join in if you'd like.
  16. landlord's Avatar
    To all those with warm thought and well wishes..... Thanks
  17. landlord's Avatar
    Quote Originally Posted by Paulo
    Your setu looks very nice. I like to see people breeding and fragging. this keeps some fish and corals in the oceans. I am not someone that think that everything should be captive bred, but it is nice to see that it is becomming more popular. When my clowns spawn they are the nightmares of the tanks lol. After I go on vacation in march I think I will try to raise some. They spawned around a month age then last night they nipped the zoa back and started spawning. we will see whats in there in a few hours when light go on.
    Thanks Paulo - I too am not someone who preaches from the altar of 100% captive raised, but I recently heard a talk given about the industry and found it to be quite alarming. Hearing about what happened to the bird and reptile industries was kind of an eye opener. The good times won't last forever and those fish we take for granted when we pass by them in the LFS may not be available tomorrow. I'm just glad that what I have found new and exciting about the hobby can also lead to a more sustainable hobby in the future.
  18. Paulo's Avatar
    Your setu looks very nice. I like to see people breeding and fragging. this keeps some fish and corals in the oceans. I am not someone that think that everything should be captive bred, but it is nice to see that it is becomming more popular. When my clowns spawn they are the nightmares of the tanks lol. After I go on vacation in march I think I will try to raise some. They spawned around a month age then last night they nipped the zoa back and started spawning. we will see whats in there in a few hours when light go on.
  19. Mits's Avatar
    I'm looking forward to the day when hobbyists can contribute to the breeding of species that aren't tank bred yet. The more we can self sustain our hobby the better!
  20. Pranoti's Avatar
    Enjoyed your post Looking forward to more updates!!
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