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  1. 245 Gallon Display and Breeding Room - Breeding Rack #1 Build

    Over the past or so I have working on getting the first of two breeding racks built. Here are the pics.

    Framing of the shelves and shelf tops installed.

    Breeding unit installed with supports

    Breeding rack painted and foam padding installed on the shelves

  2. Progress on my 245G build

    Here is my latest progress on my 245G build.

    Stand Completed. The stand was built with a 2x4 bottom, 2x6 top, and 2x8 legs. Probably a little bit over built but better to be safe than sorry. The pic shows the frag tank on the top.

    After my trip to MACNA, I got some more motivation to get working on this some more.

    I was able to get stand into position and start the front ...
  3. 245G Flow Plan

    Since I picked up the new tank and equipment, one the major issues that I am trying to tackle with this build is what to do with the 2 Dart Pumps. I have decided to create 2 closed loops. Here is the plan below. Please let me know your comments since I am going into uncharted territory

  4. New Videos of My Tank

    I haven't updated anything recently regarding my tank. Here are some new videos that I shot tonight.

    Angel/Tang Feeding Frenzy

  5. A new scape, change in direction, and first baby fish

    Here is the latest updates on my system. Initial details can be found here.

    About a week ago, I decided to change my aquascape (Hopefully for the final time).

    Here is a pic of the new scape

    I have also decided to change direction on my tank. I have always been intrigued by Angels and Butterflies. ...
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