Blog Comments

  1. nekkidrobert's Avatar
    after fighting the red bubble algae i had the water tested and foudn out that my water has high levels of chloramines so now i have to order a new RO system so it will remove it since the system i have dont
  2. melev's Avatar
    Shouldn't be a problem for your system, but we'd have to see the situation with a picture to state anything for sure.

    New tanks go through various algae phases.
  3. nekkidrobert's Avatar
    not sure but i notice some in the display when i turned the light on today and the reason the fish is in the sump is because its a damsel to help cycle the tank and the wife didnt want it in the main tank since she wants clowns. trying the 3 days of darkness on the sump and see if that helps.
  4. Midnight's Avatar
    Why is the fish not in the display?
  5. Midnight's Avatar
    Need a picture, if there is a light and nutrients then you will have algae. It may be that your sump has slightly too slow of flow through it?
  6. Alaska_Phil's Avatar
    Friend of mine has a 40 breeder with a 4 lamp T5 fixture over it. No anemones, but his SPS are growing like weeds, so that should be plenty of light for an anemone too.

  7. nekkidrobert's Avatar
    yes 4 blubs now tiem to shop around looking for a nice one the woman will like.
  8. melev's Avatar
    156w (four bulbs?) should be good. About 8" off the water.
  9. nekkidrobert's Avatar
    would 78w or 156w work for the T5 just for anemones

    Thanks for the help
  10. melev's Avatar
    Nice to see your tank, Robert. You can keep anemones under VHO or T5 lighting, especially a shallow tank like a 40g breeder. LEDs are going to be a little tough for anemones because of the individual intense light those diodes give off. Think of it like getting pricked by many cactus needles.

    I'm setting up a 60g specifically for anemones, and I'm planning to try out a Radion fixture of it. Time will tell how the BTAs do under those, but at least they are dimmable.
  11. nekkidrobert's Avatar
    Ya she likes the rose anemone but i told her good luck on finding one around here since we have to order most or our stuff off line becuase our LFS is only fresh water and takes a month to get anything in for us. She trying to find a cheap LED light since she likes the way they look just hard to find one for the right price that can handle a Anemone. we have one right now but the led only but out .20 watts each and there 122 of them so im not sure if it can do teh job but it makes everything esle look good
  12. joeogio's Avatar
    i had a rose bubble tip anemone and it did really well then got sick and died idk what happened to it, it was a cool one really red and a decent size and my oscalaris clowns were hosting it.

    im going to get a blue carpet next i how have a new and better system so im sure i will be successful this time around
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