Blog Comments

  1. melev's Avatar
    What's the latest with your tank? We'd love to know more.
  2. Jessy's Avatar
    Nice tank. Glad you found us over here
  3. Electrobes's Avatar
    Glad you found this place, I loved your tank when I saw it at RC, and I love it now! And dang.. that IS a lot of light, my 40Br may only have half that. :lol:
  4. SoLiD's Avatar
    OK... I think I found it. It will take me a little bit, but I will get it posted soon.
  5. melev's Avatar
    You make a new blog, type what you want to share, then pick the category that matches your write up. You can assign more than one, or only one.
  6. SoLiD's Avatar
    I'm new to this blogging, so please bare with me. I will try to put a parts list together and... I guess make a new blog in the correct catagory??? If I can find it.
  7. melev's Avatar
    Quote Originally Posted by Snakebyt
    what an amazing looking tank.. can we get some more info on it.. maybe equipment pics and details?
    He's asking you for a full summation blog entry, btw. We even have a category for that.
  8. Snakebyt's Avatar
    what an amazing looking tank.. can we get some more info on it.. maybe equipment pics and details?
  9. SoLiD's Avatar
    Yeah. I met Marc at the first TMAC about 4 years ago. I knew it was you by your Avatar Chris.
  10. stangchris's Avatar
    welcome ...... nice to see a fellow maastard lol(big_pun)
    cant believe you haven't found this site I hot link Marc's articles all the time
  11. Alaska_Phil's Avatar
    Wow! Nice coral colonies. I'd have guessed is was at least 2 years old.
  12. melev's Avatar
    I love your tank. Lots of color, gorgeous LPS selection.

    Your next entry can be whatever you like. It will be a new blog entry, not a reply to this one. We can read your previous blogs one by one, which will be listed in the column on the right side of the page.
  13. SoLiD's Avatar
    Thanks for the comments; I'm new to blogging and still learning this site. I would have checked back with all of your comments, but I didn't get a reminder email telling me so. Do I just post continuous comments and pictures about my tank here on this um... Thread... er, um... Blog??? I will check out the options and see what I can find. Well, this tank was 7 months old yesterday and took me over a year to plan and build. I will post a couple more pictures from the day I took this first Full Tank Shot which was last month. Thanks Again Everybody.

    Updated 07-24-2012 at 11:46 PM by SoLiD
  14. Alaska_Phil's Avatar
    Nice! I love seeing mature grown in tanks.
  15. baker.shawn's Avatar
    Acan carpet
  16. melev's Avatar
    Great to see you on R.A. Solid. And thank you for posting a picture of your tank with your very first post. That blanket of acans is worthy of being copied. Got a top down picture of that zone to share with us?

    I see you're a MH lover like me. I posted up pictures of my current set up about 10 days ago. To see all my blogs, scroll to the bottom of the page and click on the appropriate link to work your way through them from newest to oldest. RA has been running for 2.5 years, and I've been sharing my reef this way with everyone.
  17. Myhahockeykid's Avatar
    wow thats alot of light for a 40 breeder

    awesome dendo collection hiding under the rocks
  18. Midnight's Avatar
    Very nice, I love all the acans