Blog Comments

  1. NeenahFoxxe's Avatar
    They are back!!! How annoying!!
  2. joeogio's Avatar
    evidently lol xP they be back
  3. Midnight's Avatar
    We have such a lazzzy moderator!
  4. joeogio's Avatar
    thanks! lets nail them
  5. melev's Avatar
    Deleted again.
  6. Floggin's Avatar
    They are back again! Ugh, these people are annoying!
  7. melev's Avatar
    Correct. Banning and deleting now.
  8. Alaska_Phil's Avatar
    And Marc is probably tied up with MACNA right now and doesn't have time to delete them all.
  9. Floggin's Avatar
    SPAM! Lol plain and simple!
  10. NeenahFoxxe's Avatar
    I'm just as confused! At first I though "it must be someone from that other site playing a joke on Marc" but at this point - I HAVE NO IDEA WHAT THE HECK IS GOING ON"
  11. melev's Avatar
    Yes, the Skimmer Swabbie from Avast Marine. Love it. Just got a new motor to replace the one I've had for nearly 2 years.
  12. joeogio's Avatar
    Quote Originally Posted by melev
    My skimmer has the twin Eheim 1232 upgrade pumps.
    hey is that a automatic neck cleaner on your skimmer marc?
  13. melev's Avatar
    My skimmer has the twin Eheim 1232 upgrade pumps.
  14. joeogio's Avatar
    Cool I was curious about how well their pumps performed. I watched a bunch of videos about their designs and read up a bit but never seen much about their pumps
  15. Midnight's Avatar
    Marc's is actually an original Euro Reef. I believe the pumps to be superior over most others out there. I have not researched the $1000 and up price range, but for the $400 I paid for mine, I think it is best in class and would recommend it to anyone. My skimmer is undersized on my tank buy half and is doing the duty. I made sure my sump was big enough for an upgrade but I will probably get another year out of this one before the tank will be stocked enough for me to upgrade. you can compare my current draw to like sized skimmers and I am pulling less juice.

    The pump/skimmer specs:
    • Pump (included): Modified EcoPlus 1056 Water Pump
    • Pump Consumption With Maximum Air Intake: 45 Watts @ 115/120 VAC 60hz
    • Air Intake: 900-960 lph
    • Water Flow Through: 400 gph+/ Depending On Air:Water Ratio
  16. joeogio's Avatar
    Quote Originally Posted by melev
    I just posted my up a few minutes ago. That's funny that you asked.

    Looks like a couple of you all are running reef dynamic skimmers. Awesome company how do you all like yours. I like their designs but Idk if I'm crazy about their pumps
  17. maroun.c's Avatar
    Heres mine.
    Hurricone CAT 1 on a 390G tank underrated but doing a good job. I get this much skimate every 4-5 days.
  18. Midnight's Avatar
    Following the edit of this picture I went and leveled the skimmer, lol.

    I forgot to say this skimmer is a Reef Dynamics INS180. Eventually when the tank get stocked more heavily I will be getting a larger model of the same kind.
    Updated 09-16-2012 at 09:40 PM by Midnight
  19. melev's Avatar
    I just posted my up a few minutes ago. That's funny that you asked.

  20. mledford's Avatar
    Great... Another Reef Perv... LOL...
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