Blog Comments

  1. evoracer's Avatar
    No thanks!
  2. DJ in WV's Avatar
    try it in a house with 8 kids no where is safe
  3. melev's Avatar
    Sorry, I'm terrible with names.
  4. melev's Avatar
    That'll be nice. Just don't hit your head against the top trying to look at stuff in your tank.
  5. Hat39406's Avatar
    Hey Evoracer, I love the design you came up with. That will look awesome! Looking forward to see the build.
  6. evoracer's Avatar
    SketchUp rendering of stand:

    One piece "buffet and hutch" style, 4" false back to hide cords and MP10 dry side. Full-open canopy to allow for greater access.
  7. melev's Avatar
    A perfect example why attending club (and bigger) events is worth your time.
  8. evoracer's Avatar
    I must say, the RAP show helped to re-motivate me. The killer deals on the skimmer and pump didn't hurt either.
  9. melev's Avatar
    All right - you're off and running now!
  10. evoracer's Avatar
    Sticking out 2' I mean. The tank's footprint is 36"x24".
  11. kayl's Avatar
    Why does it have to be 2' from the wall?
  12. evoracer's Avatar
    Marc was that question for me (Jeremy)? I have not checked the incoming pressure, I don't have a gauge. At this point in time it is serving me well as is, but i know i will eventually want more output. The incoming TDS is ~750, output from RO is 20-30.
  13. chuck's Avatar
    My RO/DI system came in last week and I need to get it installed.
  14. melev's Avatar
    What is the PSI of your system, Jimmy? And what is your TDS?
  15. DJ in WV's Avatar
    Glad you got it hashed out mine has been acting up again Ill have to check my check valve. Im read to go to a solenoid valve on the input
  16. evoracer's Avatar
    Ok finally got to the bottom of this one. The check valve on the output of the membrane was bad. It was both partially plugged, causing lower output, and didn't restrict backflow, causing the ASOV to not shut off. So now that the check valve was replaced the system works correcly, finally. My output is still low (about 48gpd out of a 150gpd membrane), but I chalk that up to the rediculously high TDS.
  17. evoracer's Avatar
    Got it in the sump tonight. Fits well in my current frag tank sump, will fit even better in the sump I have for my 60 shallow. That sump has a dedicated skimmer area I designed in. It is silent with no vibrations already, I will update when it breaks in and starts to nog.
  18. melev's Avatar
    Looks good and has a nice tight footprint for those with sump-constraints. I hope to read good feedback from watching it run over the next few weeks.
  19. chuck's Avatar
    you just have to love technology advancements
  20. baker.shawn's Avatar
    nice! cant wait to see this thing pluged in!
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