Blog Comments

  1. gimmito's Avatar
    Sweet set up there. I'm trying to figure how to mount my lumenmax reflectors and lumentek ballast over my 450. I was thinking of using reefbrite led strips for atinic supplementation, but like your led setup.

  2. crvz's Avatar
    thanks for the comments, fellows. DJ, not exactly sure what you're asking, but the tank will sit about 1.5" back from the flush inside wall (so that's about 3/4" for sheetrock, and then another 3/4" for the black trim the tank sits in and some wiggle room). The trim I built to finish the viewing wall is somewhat of an "L" shape, which will be placed against the glass of the tank. I'll try to get an image now that it's painted (did that yesterday).

    Midnight, I've got about 10" of overhang in all directions.
  3. Midnight's Avatar
    that is one massive stand, how many inches of overhang will that leave?
  4. DJ in WV's Avatar
    Just wondering if the tank is going to sit butted to the wall or is going to go thur the studs. In my old house i butted mine and found it alot easier to finish it on the inside of the house. I will be following you shortly with my 180 build. Im in the process of removing a 3 1/2 foot sandstone support wall in my basement to make room for it. Im sure wife is going to want to kick me in the soft parts before its all done
  5. melev's Avatar
    Nice update! Looks like you have sand ready too.
  6. melev's Avatar
    Keep us updated. I'm curious how it holds up longterm. I used to build homes from the ground up, and I've had to walk on all kinds of stuff that made my heart skip a beat. It's just nice to know you are on solid ground, if you know what I mean.

    That being said, I'll admit that there have been times when I stood on that tiny ledge that was in front of my 280g, but I was totally thinking light thoughts so it was fine.
  7. crvz's Avatar
    Well I slapped the first 3/4" plywood on the top, and after securing it I was able to stand on the edge no problem with the exception of the corners. Those bowed a little. We'll see what it's like after I add the second board, but I may end up further bolstering it.
  8. melev's Avatar
    You just need one of these.
  9. marks69's Avatar
    i wouldn't walk on it. we use 3/4 ply for scaffold, but always have something to carry the edge. run a 2x4 around with a few legs. it won't take up much space and will be alot safer. or get a 2 step
  10. melev's Avatar
    I see, that makes sense. I wonder how strong 1.5" of plywood is for walking on. You may want to wrap the perimeter with some 1x3 material, glued and screwed in place. That should firm up the surface and reduce bowing.
  11. crvz's Avatar
    Quote Originally Posted by melev
    You are taking this leveling thing seriously. Why two sheets of plywood?
    I'm nervous. I've seen one of these tanks loose a seam, and I'm not interested in having that occur for me. But even more so, the plywood is going to overhang the stand in 3 directions by 10" or so to serve as a catwalk for tank access, and I figured doubling it up would eliminate the need for any other structure support when I'm standing on it.
  12. melev's Avatar
    You are taking this leveling thing seriously. Why two sheets of plywood?
  13. crvz's Avatar
    I dunno yet, maroun. I havent run them at the same time to date.
  14. maroun.c's Avatar
    looking great.
    Can yo usee the effect of the LEDs when the halides are on?
  15. cdmorrison01's Avatar
    I am digging that supplemental lighting. It all looks really good.
  16. sedor's Avatar
    I'm so jealous...not only do you get a fish room, but a 4 bay garage!!! Sounds awesome I can't wait to follow the build.
  17. drimo's Avatar
    Looks good so far, can't wait to see how it progresses. Those Marineland tanks sure are getting around, and for good reason.
  18. crvz's Avatar
    Thanks everyone. Regarding those two studs, as far as I can tell they're not even nailed into the structure, only attached to the sheetrock. I'll obviously damage the finished side of the sheetrock when I remove it, but that should actually be a warrantied fix as it's on the contract with the builder that the space there would be completely empty. We'll see how that plays out.
  19. Jessy's Avatar
    Nice stuff! Looking forward to seeing the progress.
  20. melev's Avatar
    Great to see you crvz. Looking forward to future entries about your tank build.
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