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180g Tank Build - 11 mos. and counting.

Equipment Summary
180g Dual overflow display tank
DIY custom made hickory stand
DIY custom CREE LEDs over display/frag/fuge tanks
Reef Angel Controller
2 Vortech Echotech mp40w
Reef Octopus Cat 2e with bubble blaster HY-5000S
Korallin Ca Reactor
65 gal fuge
10 gal frag tank
55 gal sump
2x 55 gal plastic drums for RO/DI salt mixing

Livestock Summary
Purple Tang
Naso Tang
Lawnmower Blenny
Pair of ?Onyx? percs
Blue Reef Chromis
Pair of Japanese Swallowtail Angels
3 Lyrtail Anthias
Carpenter Wrasse
Bluejaw Trigger

female CBS
mated pair cleaner shrimp
assorted snails
4 rose BTAs

  1. Anyone know what these are?

    by , 05-20-2012 at 06:04 PM (180g Tank Build - 11 mos. and counting.)
    They look like algae grazers - have the mouth of an astrea snail, but are SUPER FAST. Shell has no spiral to it - looks more like a cupped hand or something. Anyway, I didn't think much about them until I found one 'spawning' in my frag tank. They release eggs or offspring or whatever directly into the water column. Since then, I have been executing them on a regular basis - but for every one I kill, I suspect there are 20 I don't see. Not sure if they're OK or not, but I just realized that ...