Blog Comments

  1. Blake's Avatar
    flights with us****
  2. Blake's Avatar
    Driving with gas $4.00 a gallon? Oh no I'm flying baby Haha ur more than welcome to make reservations about flights haha its gunna be awesome
  3. melev's Avatar
    Let them expand by themselves. You can come play hookie with us.
  4. gist41980's Avatar
    Hey what are you guys talking about? How come I wasn't included in this conversation! Blake, you driving? Wanna take me? I wish I could go, but my family may be expanding right around that time. I know, bad planning by me
  5. melev's Avatar
    That shouldn't be hard. He hates feeling left out of anything!
  6. Blake's Avatar
    now we just have to convince @gist41980 to go
  7. melev's Avatar
    Very good! Glad to hear it, and see you in less than seven months!
  8. Blake's Avatar
    yes it is and I cant wait to stop over at his place to see the tank! and those filefish
  9. melev's Avatar
    That's great that you guys ran into each other there. Being active in local events makes this hobby more fun.
  10. Blake's Avatar
    WOW! Jason outdoes himself every time! haha I bought a few acros from him myself amoung a few other things but unfortunately my camera takes horrible pictures under my leds so I cant share what Ive got on here or anywhere else
  11. gist41980's Avatar
    Blake, good meeting you and talking with you yesterday. Hope you got some goodies! Here is one I snagged:
  12. baker.shawn's Avatar
    interceptor should not harm shrimp and it will not at all affect clams or coral,
    but it will kill crabs...this being said i just treated my tank with interceptor for 9hr and 2 or my 3 emerald crabs survived...
  13. Midnight's Avatar
    At just a little probably no affect. But I think interceptor will have more of an effect on any types of worms.
  14. melev's Avatar
    Double check that math. If you want, use this calculator:
  15. Blake's Avatar
    3/4 teaspoon per gallon? ok
  16. melev's Avatar
    3/4 teaspoon should be okay.
  17. Blake's Avatar
    so @melev is 1/4 teaspoon per gallon raises the tank by 18.3 ppm a day how much should i use to raise roughly 130 gallons of water by 50ppm a day?? should i just forsake the .3 and just do it at 18? or what? p.s math is and always was my worst subject
  18. melev's Avatar
    So much better than a default avatar.
  19. Blake's Avatar
    I have a few reasons for moving them. The first is the phosban reactor that I have came with a pump that i don't feel tumbles the pellets well enough to reach their full potential. And with the reef octopus 1000ss I have seen the pellets reach phenomenal potential as far as tumbling and effect on the tanks nitrates and phosphates. My second reason is the new 1000ss is a space saver for my sump and I need two reactors for my tank one for GFO and another for the biopellets because I am currently battling a Briopsis outbreak and it is very hard to kill so with a mixture of Tech-M by Kent and the gfo I should be able to win the battle and the phosban reactor works very well with gfo but not with biopellets for some reason? Anyways my nitrate and phosphate levels have been undetectable since the addition of the biopellets so its weird that you have such a range but all tanks are different so there might be another issue going on in ur tank somewhere that is unseen. I also dose bacteria after each water change (10% a week) and I believe this also helps with my levels. Good luck with your tank tho maybe if you give the pelletsnk a little more time it will turn around!
  20. Siasl's Avatar
    Good luck with the new setup. Any reason for moving the biopellets from the phosban reactor to the Reef Octopus Reactor? I am 3 weeks into the process of switching from vodka dosing to biopellets (Little Fishes NPX) and have them happily tumbling in a Nextreef MR1 reactor. I only ask because I am paranoid about N/P and have had them at 0 and 0.4 to 0.6 respectively since day one of the tank...
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