Blog Comments

  1. Blake's Avatar
    dont know my mag but will be raising it soon after test kit purchase and I keep my salt at 1.025 and ya the mp40 wasnt bad i got my mp10s for like $14 a piece brand new in the box but the Mp40 had been used for 5 days then the tank got shut down and i traded a koralia 4 a koralia 3 and one of the mp10s I got for the Mp40. oh and BTW the koralias are both 8 years old
  2. baker.shawn's Avatar
    well the real question here is how the hell did you get a mp40 for 70 bucks...and can you get me one

    obviously it would help if you posted a pic....but the only time ive seen white acans is at the lfs after fragging and after they bleached them...this is strange. most acans including mine are sensative to salinity and Mag have you kept it stable? whats your level?
  3. Blake's Avatar
    8 hours for blues and whites then 3 hours after with just blues. And I feed after lights off every once in a while and i wish i could take a picture!
    Updated 03-08-2012 at 11:01 AM by Blake
  4. melev's Avatar
    Are you feeding them after lights out? How long are they being lit by your lights? Let's see a picture.
  5. Blake's Avatar
    Sorry I was on my phone and it didn't show my comment before last so o retyped it Haha
  6. melev's Avatar
    Check back one comment before your last.
  7. Blake's Avatar
    No I haven't where is that at? And how do you get your corals home????? Flying or shipping??
  8. melev's Avatar

    That's the challenge, getting corals home from your visit. If you keep it to a few, you could pack them in a soft cooler in your suitcase like I often do. If you wanted to check a sealed box as additional luggage, the airline may give you grief as that happened to me last fall and I was super stressed by the entire experience. You can ship it via Fedex on Monday if you stay that long.
    Updated 03-06-2012 at 01:33 AM by melev
  9. Blake's Avatar
    I have not where my that be at and how do you get corals home from the event??????? Flying wise
  10. melev's Avatar
    TONS! Lots of coral vendors. Have you looked at the vendor's hall map yet?
  11. Blake's Avatar
    hey marc are there gunna be any frags for sale at MACNA?
  12. baker.shawn's Avatar
    I'd have to get a flat bed cart from HomeDepot to push it home
  13. melev's Avatar
    That's merely lint in your pocket. You can totally swing that, and win the huge tank in the raffle. Of course, then you have to get it back home and that won't be cheap.
  14. baker.shawn's Avatar
    Quote Originally Posted by melev
    You'd skip the MACNA I'm running? Shame on you. LOL (And I'm only partly running it, but I'm definitely involved.)
    i just checked on the flight and its was 870 for the round trip plus tickets to the event...which isnt going to work on this students budget lol... i could always sell my tank to finance this trip!! aslong as i win a tank while im there it will work out just fine
  15. melev's Avatar
    You'd skip the MACNA I'm running? Shame on you. LOL (And I'm only partly running it, but I'm definitely involved.)
  16. baker.shawn's Avatar
    Quote Originally Posted by melev
    MACNA is always in September. It runs Friday to Sunday. Every Single Year. You just have to miss a day, and get a friend to tell you what you missed.
    Well I will definitely be there in 2013
  17. melev's Avatar
    Yes! That's what I like to hear (or read)!
  18. Midnight's Avatar
    I'll be there
  19. melev's Avatar
    MACNA is always in September. It runs Friday to Sunday. Every Single Year. You just have to miss a day, and get a friend to tell you what you missed.
  20. baker.shawn's Avatar
    i vote for a MACNA date change for next year... im in school starting september
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