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  1. LEAR Fragswap!! + accidental interceptor introduction

    Hello I just got some new frags from the LEAR fragswap in ohio where i was happy to see and talk to fellow reef addict @gist41980 and as of an hour ago were released into the tank after their dip. In the process a small amount of Interceptor got into my display tank. This will only kill shrimp and not my corals and clams right? if not and i need to do something please let me know.
    thank you,
  2. Bryopsis!

    For the past 2 months I have had the pest macroalgae, Briopsis, growing in my tank and it is starting to get really bad IMO. Now i know the only sure fire way to get rid of this stuff is to raise my magnesium levels to at least 1500 ppm. But I have an SPS dominated tank and raising the magnesium too fast or at all could kill them all off. However, I have nowhere to put them while raising the magnesium levels. So I have a 100 gallon tank and a 30 gallon sump and my question is how to raise my magnesium ...

    Updated 02-12-2012 at 12:23 PM by melev

    Tags: @melev
    Questions - Need some input , ‎ NEED HELP STAT!
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