Blog Comments

  1. Yyrkoon's Avatar
    Yup, white it will be. Painted to match my built in book shelves and room trim.
  2. Midnight's Avatar
    Looking very nice. Is white the final color?
  3. Midnight's Avatar
    capital expense and operating expense or something to that effect
  4. melev's Avatar
    Nice to catch up with your setup and see what you've got going on.

    Your daughter is adorable. Save that picture forever, and show it to her future boyfriends.

    What does CAPEX and OPEX stand for?
  5. Midnight's Avatar
    Wow, very nice. If you ever want the big brother of that tank I am currently selling a 135 flat back hex. I think you did it right with the overflow, there is no reason to have full height overflows like mine. It took away too much real estate from the aquascaping. What are your ideals for aquascaping? I would recommend trying to build a structure of rock as opposed to the rock wall. I know that tank is tricky and narrow, but with some planning you should be able to make is work.

    Check out Jessy's blog for info on building a rock structure
  6. melev's Avatar
    I've been using Ebo Jager for years, and now Eheim Jager. I just posted up the new Cobalt heater review on the front page of the site two days ago, which would be great for your setup. If you can't get one that matches the tank size, you can definitely get two smaller ones that add up to what you need.
  7. Midnight's Avatar
    Most "good" non glass heaters come with a built in controller. I just set the one on the heater one degree higher than the Apex controller is. That way if the Apex doesn't shut it off, it should turn it self off. Mine is a Via Aqua 300Watt, that has worked flawlessly for 3 years now. I need to get another one as a back up just in case. I have some old spare glass ones if I got desperate.
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