Blog Comments

  1. drakedeming's Avatar
    Quote Originally Posted by melev
    I like your shiny new skimmer. However, 200g skimmer on a 33g tank won't work out too well in the long run, which you will discover. Just like me putting one of those massive RK2 skimmers on my 280g. The water rarely gets dirty enough for the skimmer to pull out anything. I'm not suggesting you downgrade the skimmer though - get a bigger tank! hehe

    Try it out and see how it works for you. I usually suggest oversizing it somewhat, but for the current tank you've mentioned, I'd be looking at a skimmer rated for 100g probably. Of course, you could overstock that tank and feed it like nuts, I suppose.

    Would this be true even if I have a large sump capacity with an overstocked display? Also will the skimmer just not work well because there would not be enough waste or would it work fine but just be ridiculous overkill?
  2. doomicon's Avatar
    Have to agree with Marc, go bigger to match the skimmer :-)
  3. melev's Avatar
    I like your shiny new skimmer. However, 200g skimmer on a 33g tank won't work out too well in the long run, which you will discover. Just like me putting one of those massive RK2 skimmers on my 280g. The water rarely gets dirty enough for the skimmer to pull out anything. I'm not suggesting you downgrade the skimmer though - get a bigger tank! hehe

    Try it out and see how it works for you. I usually suggest oversizing it somewhat, but for the current tank you've mentioned, I'd be looking at a skimmer rated for 100g probably. Of course, you could overstock that tank and feed it like nuts, I suppose.
  4. melev's Avatar
    Quote Originally Posted by Jamest
    We just drilled a hole in a 10 gal tank and a small crack appeared below the hole. Since then 3 more cracks have appeared so not it will not work!! Good Luck!!
    10g tanks are very thin, and they glass is exceedingly brittle. If the bulkhead was only hand-tightened you should be good. However, if you really doubt the aquarium will hold, it is probably smarter to err on the side of caution and get a new one.
  5. Jamest's Avatar
    We just drilled a hole in a 10 gal tank and a small crack appeared below the hole. Since then 3 more cracks have appeared so not it will not work!! Good Luck!!
  6. VulcanRider's Avatar
    Just make sure you keep the drill bit wet. Here is a link to a good video about it.
  7. drakedeming's Avatar
    Yeah, it seems pretty scary. I do have some 10 gallons I can practice on though. Will post pics.

    Also I have a mag 7 return pump I forgot to mention in my post.
  8. doomicon's Avatar
    Yikes drilling glass! Know alot of people who have done it, I've personally never had the "guts" to do it lol. Keep us posted on the progress.
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