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  1. Jessy's Candyshop Cubed - New Lighting - Evolution LED 150w

    Sooooo excited. My new lights came in the mail yesterday. It's a custom 150w dimmable LED light from Evolution LED lights. When I had T5's I used to love my purple UV blub so when I was talking to Chris (Reefkoi) the owner of Evolution, he said that he could have them add LED's into his fixture. I knew I was sold. 6 weeks later the light with 8 purple LED's arrived at my door. I took down my old Ecoxotic Retro and set this baby up on my tank cover for a quick view and WOW am I blown away. I ...
  2. Jessy's Candyshop Cubed - Tank & Lighting Update

    Hello Hello my long lost friends! I've been gone so long I'm sure you're wondering what I've been up to! Well, in short, I've traveled to Italy, Portugal, Thailand, Laos, Atlanta, and So when I'm not gone I'm working to actually pay bills. Needless to say my tank has been on auto pilot for quite a while. I haven't added anything new into it for a bit. I've paid Chris from Lotsafishies here in San Diego to do a 50% water change (Jessy's not doing her own tank maintenance??!) ...
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