Blog Comments

  1. Snakebyt's Avatar
    im sure you will come across something soon, keep an eye on your local craigslist
  2. Montdj's Avatar
    WOW you have a beautiful tank!!!!!!!!!
  3. VulcanRider's Avatar
    That's reef gangsta.
  4. Jessy's Avatar
    Quote Originally Posted by BetterMetalReef
    I found it interesting that they decided to light the tank with a metal halide. Granted it's 20K, but I wonder why they didn't do mostly actinics with a little bit of 12K VHO supplementation. I would think that'd work better for a non-photosynthetic, aka deep reef tank. Know if they had any trouble with algae?
    You know I think the same way. The tank is still pretty dark. When you think about it 1 MH for 600 gallons isn't that much. The tank is still pretty dark. I haven't seen any algae problems in the 5-6 times I've been to see the tank. They keep up with waterchanges like crazy so I'm sure they don't really have much of one.
  5. Jessy's Avatar
    Quote Originally Posted by VulcanRider
    Ok, all I want to know is, whenever someone entered the room that the tank was in, did 50 Cent - Candy Shop start playing in the background?
    Motion detector and everything.

  6. VulcanRider's Avatar
    Ok, all I want to know is, whenever someone entered the room that the tank was in, did 50 Cent - Candy Shop start playing in the background?
  7. ZapSkim's Avatar
    That's funny because it actually has to do with skim boarding more than skimmers. But I figured it worked both ways. I have followed Melev's Reef and Reefcast and I'm looking forward to the Reef Addicts Podcast.
  8. BetterMetalReef's Avatar
    I found it interesting that they decided to light the tank with a metal halide. Granted it's 20K, but I wonder why they didn't do mostly actinics with a little bit of 12K VHO supplementation. I would think that'd work better for a non-photosynthetic, aka deep reef tank. Know if they had any trouble with algae?
  9. Jessy's Avatar
    Quote Originally Posted by VulcanRider
    That was January, almost two years ago. It kicked off at that convention center that's next to the Queen Mary. That big dome building, I think its called the Queen Mary AquaDome. It was kinda cool. They had a full size starbridge, all the costumes from all the generations, replica weapons and flight sims. I heard Long Beach didn't do so hot, nor did the the rest of the tour. It was supposed to be like a 7 year gig but flamed out very fast.
    That's sad it ended. They just didn't hang around long enough for me. I bet it would be successful now with the new Star Trek movie as such a hit. (One of my favorite movies of 2009 BTW)

    Quote Originally Posted by melev
    I love this tank as well. I took a bunch of pictures of it when I was there last year. I didn't see a Tribble anywhere, though.

    They've redone it since you were here marc. Took a page out of your book and have rocks sticking to the back wall in an arch form (you can see it near the end of the movie when i was filming just the Anthias) I really like the new aquascape. I want to go back (yet again) with a proper macro lens and shoot a macro video of all the pretty sunpolyps and gorgs.
  10. melev's Avatar
    I love this tank as well. I took a bunch of pictures of it when I was there last year. I didn't see a Tribble anywhere, though.
  11. VulcanRider's Avatar
    That was January, almost two years ago. It kicked off at that convention center that's next to the Queen Mary. That big dome building, I think its called the Queen Mary AquaDome. It was kinda cool. They had a full size starbridge, all the costumes from all the generations, replica weapons and flight sims. I heard Long Beach didn't do so hot, nor did the the rest of the tour. It was supposed to be like a 7 year gig but flamed out very fast.
  12. Jessy's Avatar
    Quote Originally Posted by bleachandvomit
    Haha! I'm honored, maybe I'll make a tank entry now...
    you should make a tank entry anyway. but seriously your name did make me laugh probably the hardest
  13. Jessy's Avatar
    They feed the corals and the tank as a whole... STAR TREK TOUR?!?!? When was that? You have no idea how big of a trekkie I am... I know... both a reefer and a trekkie. I'm basically screwed in the "cool chick" department. I even saw the Las Vegas Hilton Star Trek exhibit. Had lunch at Quarks and everything.
  14. bleachandvomit's Avatar
    Haha! I'm honored, maybe I'll make a tank entry now...
  15. Snakebyt's Avatar
    makes ya wonder where some people come up with these names
  16. VulcanRider's Avatar
    Awe man, I was supposed to go to that aquarium when I was down there working for the Star Trek Tour that kicked off in Long Beach. Now I am more upset that we missed it. DAMN YOU STAR TREK!

    Did they target feed these corals or just introduced it into the water column?
  17. scarter85's Avatar
    WoW! Sorry to hear about the split! I'm sure your next tank will be just as nice considering what a great job you did with the 150!
  18. Jessy's Avatar
    Thanks for the love marc. No one else is giving me any :P
  19. melev's Avatar
    Jessy, I know you aren't getting any comments 'bout your video, but I noticed it's been watched 129 times already.
  20. Jessy's Avatar
    Thanks. I do too. I live in a one bedroom apt now on the second floor so I can't go 150 again. But I'm really thinking about doing something to rival the "bonsai" tank on RC. I want to create something unique not just because of the huge size or stunning colors....I'm thinking lots of attention to aquascape and maybe something simple like zoas and coco worms covering everything . coco worm forests and zoa fields with a little overhang of plating monti.
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