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  1. Why do skinny fish die?

    OK I have a theory and only a theory. As long as I have been keeping fish I am drawn to odd shaped fish like copperbands and long nose butterflies but I could never keep them as long as most other fish and looking back there were two causes for their deaths. One was jumping out. For some reason those types of fish like to jump. I lost about half of them from that. The rest of them died from something else. Last year I lost a copperband that got a bump and then a sore on it's side just before dying. ...
    Random Thoughts
  2. Things that go away on their own

    It seems that there are so many people in this hobby that are stressed every time they see something either growing or just appearing in their tanks.
    I figured I would post things that over the years just went away with no help from me.
    Hair algae.
    I have no idea when I took this picture but it must have been at least 15 years ago. That fireclown is stil with me and he is almost 18 now, but look at all the hair algae. The fish and corals were in great shape, but the tank looked ...
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  3. Fish Maladies

    I have a yellow wrasse that doesn't look too well. I don't remember how old it is but I don't have it that long, maybe a year or two. I got it full grown.
    For the last few months he is having trouble swimming. Wrasses don't swim well anyway but this one seems to have a tail that is semi paralized.
    He looks good, eats and gets around but fish, like people also develop other diseases and maladies that we can't see on their skin. We usually see spots, discolorations, fungus, fin rot ...
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  4. Clownfish, Love Hate relationship

    These two fireclowns can't make up their minds. For a couple of years they were spawning, then for the next few years they fought, now they are spawning again. This has been going on for at least ten years.
    The larger one is about 16 or 17 years old, I am not sure how old the smaller one is. I forget. But when they are fighting, they clean nests on opposite ends of the tank and don't tolerate each other. That can last years. Now I notice it looks like they may spawn in that bottle any ...
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  5. Gobi near the end of his long life

    I thought I would document the life of one of my favorite fish. This gobi has been with me for I think about 12 years. When I got him he looked like the first picture. Yellow and skinny. As he grew a little I bought another one and they became inseperable. After a few months, they turned grayish brown and developed bright blue spots all over him and became almost colorful. After a few years they started to spawn and kept spawning all their life until the female died last year at about 11 years ...
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