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Questions - Need some input

I have questions that need answers.

  1. Why culture Phytoplancton and rotifers

    Hello I was wondering If anyone cultures Phytoplancton and Rotifers?

    Also what eats them or i guess what value would they add to my tank?
  2. protein skimmer??

    So i have a 65 gallon tank and i think its time to get my first protein skimmer i was wondering what are some good brand??

    Also is there such thing as to much skimming? as i do plan on upgrading to a 220g tank in 2-3 years should i buy a smaller skimmer for this tank and then a largerone for the new tank?

    Thanks again everyone
  3. want to try coral how do I acclimate it?????

    So I want to try my first coral this week but have no idea how to go about putting it into my tank is it the same as fish? Drip for an hour or 2 or 3 then just put it in or do I have to do something else.

    Any help would be greatly appreciated I’m thinking of the pumping Xenia as well as Zoanthus sp.

    Oooo and I assume they need to be feed does babybrin shrimp work well..

    Thanks for all the help this is a really addicting hobby

    Updated 08-19-2011 at 06:06 PM by steve8855

    Questions - Need some input
  4. looking to get a fighting conch for my 65 gallon tank

    hey guys

    so ive had mixed advice on keeping a fighting conch in my 65 gallon tank. some people say you need over 100 gallons to keep one?

    does anyone with my sized tank have one the is doing well and survived for a few years?
  5. help to kill aptasia

    I have a very large aptasia problem in my tank and i tryed joes juice but that doesnt seem to be helping and ideas?

    I heard you can buy Kalkwasser and mix it with water to make a paste does that work? and is there any side effects if i need to use alot in my tank?
    Tags: aptasia
    Questions - Need some input
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